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Why Big Data Has Some Big Problems When It Comes to Public Policy
From ACM Opinion

Why Big Data Has Some Big Problems When It Comes to Public Policy

For all the talk about using big data and data science to solve the world’s problems—and even all the talk about big data as one of the world’s problems—it seems...

5 Things That Will Remake Big Data in the Next 5 Years
From ACM Opinion

5 Things That Will Remake Big Data in the Next 5 Years

Big data has evolved a lot of the past few years; from a happy buzzword to a hated buzzword, and from a focus on volume to a focus on variety and velocity.

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know
From ACM Opinion

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know

The White House announced via blog post on Thursday that it's forming working group focused on understanding the promises and pitfalls of big data (with a heavy...

When Google Closes the Nest Deal, Privacy Issues For the Internet of Things Will Hit the Big Time
From ACM Opinion

When Google Closes the Nest Deal, Privacy Issues For the Internet of Things Will Hit the Big Time

Google rocked the smart home market Monday with its intention to purchase connected home thermostat maker Nest for $3.2 billion, which will force a much-needed...

Here's What You Need to Know About the Future of Gesture-Based ­i Design
From ACM Opinion

Here's What You Need to Know About the Future of Gesture-Based ­i Design

Smartphone screens across the globe are embracing clean design in an effort to feature content on high-end pixel real estate.

Did Facebook Miss a Massive Opportunity By Building a Walled Garden Instead of a Truly Open Platform?
From ACM Opinion

Did Facebook Miss a Massive Opportunity By Building a Walled Garden Instead of a Truly Open Platform?

When Facebook first launched its platform strategy in 2007, it seemed as though a new world of opportunity had opened up for anyone interested in the social web—a...

Why Microsoft's Reorganization Closes the Books on an Era of Computing
From ACM Opinion

Why Microsoft's Reorganization Closes the Books on an Era of Computing

Nothing ever stays the same. On more than one occasion, it has taken Microsoft, one of the most important engines powering the rise of the technology industry,...

Why Google Is the Big Data Company That Matters Most
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Is the Big Data Company That Matters Most

Every now and then, someone asks "Who’ll be the Google of big data?"

How Technology Is Slowly Developing Its Sense of Smell
From ACM Opinion

How Technology Is Slowly Developing Its Sense of Smell

Last week I attended what was, I think it is fair to say, the oddest conference I have been to yet. It was the first world congress of the Digital Olfaction Society...

Why the Pencil Is Still the Most Important Tool For Digital Designers
From ACM Opinion

Why the Pencil Is Still the Most Important Tool For Digital Designers

Looking for digital inspiration, or staring at an empty computer screen?

Why Marissa Mayer's Ban on Remote Working at Yahoo Could Backfire Badly
From ACM Opinion

Why Marissa Mayer's Ban on Remote Working at Yahoo Could Backfire Badly

Not long after her arrival at Yahoo, new CEO Marissa Mayer started handing out carrots to her new employees, including new smartphones, free food, and other Google...

How Google Did the Right Thing with the Nascar Crash Video, and Why It Matters
From ACM Opinion

How Google Did the Right Thing with the Nascar Crash Video, and Why It Matters

At a NASCAR event on Saturday, debris created by a serious crash flew into the stands and injured a number of fans.

The Newest Overhyped Mobile Industry Buzzword: Lte-Advanced
From ACM Opinion

The Newest Overhyped Mobile Industry Buzzword: Lte-Advanced

Admittedly, mobile technology evolves at a very fast pace. But somewhere along the way we seem to have skipped an entire generation of networks.

Want to See in the Dark? One Day They'll Have an App For That
From ACM Opinion

Want to See in the Dark? One Day They'll Have an App For That

The combination of man and machine has been so entrenched in our popular culture that for many, the idea that you could attach a sensor to a mouse brain which enables...

Ford Engineers Have 3D Printers on Their Desks. When Will You Get One?
From ACM Opinion

Ford Engineers Have 3D Printers on Their Desks. When Will You Get One?

Ford has caught the DIY revolution and now puts 3D printers at workstations for its engineers.

The Future of the Internet Is Intelligent Machines
From ACM Opinion

The Future of the Internet Is Intelligent Machines

As we know it today, the Internet has been largely about connecting people to information, people to people, and people to business.

Digital First Isn't an Option for Media—It's the Only Way Forward
From ACM Opinion

Digital First Isn't an Option for Media—It's the Only Way Forward

Everywhere you look in the traditional media industry, you can see signs of turmoil and disruption: to take just a few recent examples, the New York Times is ...

How Can We Make Devices Better? By Studying What People Actually Do
From ACM Opinion

How Can We Make Devices Better? By Studying What People Actually Do

Many new technologies are based on what companies and designers seem to think their users might want to do, or what they envision them wanting to do, but not as...

Big Data and Dna: What Business Can Learn from Junk Genes
From ACM Opinion

Big Data and Dna: What Business Can Learn from Junk Genes

The science world was rocked Wednesday by the discovery that the 80 percent of the human genethat scientists throught was "junk" actually contains genetic regulators...

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?
From ACM Opinion

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?

After being on the receiving end of a truly awful hacking attack, Wired writer Mat Honan explained how it happened in detail. And he was very clear about two of...
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