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One Year In: What We've Learned About Ceo Tim Cook
From ACM Opinion

One Year In: What We've Learned About Ceo Tim Cook

When Tim Cook was named permanent chief executive of Apple a year ago Friday, most discussion centered on what Jobsian qualities and trademark values Cook didn't...

Plagiarism, Defamation, and the Power of Hyperlinks
From ACM Opinion

Plagiarism, Defamation, and the Power of Hyperlinks

What do Fareed Zakaria, Jonah Lehrer, and Gawker Media have in common? In different ways, the incidents that have thrust all three into the news recently help to...

There's Only One Truly Open Platform: The Web
From ACM Opinion

There's Only One Truly Open Platform: The Web

As Twitter and Facebook continue to fight a variety of skirmishes in the ongoing "platform wars," with both companies trying to control as much of their networks...

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?
From ACM Opinion

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?

After being on the receiving end of a truly awful hacking attack, Wired writer Mat Honan explained how it happened in detail. And he was very clear about two of...

Here's Why Tablets (yes, Tablets!) Will Replace the Smartphone
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Tablets (yes, Tablets!) Will Replace the Smartphone

I'm sure to get the "you're off your rocker" commentary on this one, but I make a living by looking ahead in the world of mobile technology. And what I see now...

Why the Days Are Numbered For Hadoop As We Know It
From ACM Opinion

Why the Days Are Numbered For Hadoop As We Know It

Hadoop is everywhere. For better or worse, it has become synonymous with big data. In just a few years it has gone from a fringe technology to the de facto standard...

We Already ­se Wi-Fi More Than Cellular; Why Not Continue the Trend?
From ACM Opinion

We Already ­se Wi-Fi More Than Cellular; Why Not Continue the Trend?

We think of our mobile phones as connecting to mobile networks, but that’s really not the case. When it comes to mobile data, our smartphones are far more reliant...

Physical Media Is Dead
From ACM Opinion

Physical Media Is Dead

Over the weekend, Hunter Walk (a friend of mine who works for YouTube) tweeted about brands offering apps built on the Spotify platform. Spotify is likely to ...

From ACM Opinion

A Google Monopoly Isn't the Point

Even if the Justice Dept. were to establish that Google is a monopoly, it would be hard for anyone to prove that the company's free services have injured consumers...

From ACM Opinion

Apple Multitouch Patent Is All About ­x Lock-In

Apple notched a significant win last week when it was awarded a key patent related to basic multitouch functionality. The patent was first called "hugely problematic"...
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