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What Would Marvin Minsky Read?
From ACM Opinion

What Would Marvin Minsky Read?

Marvin Minsky was one of the founders of artificial intelligence, and with John McCarthy, he created MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory...

A Radical Proposal: Replace Hard Disks with Dram
From ACM Opinion

A Radical Proposal: Replace Hard Disks with Dram

When it comes to computer storage, the magnetic disk has been top dog for almost half a century.

Openbci: Control An Air Shark With Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

Openbci: Control An Air Shark With Your Mind

Le's be clear: This is a parlor trick, not neuroscience. Nonetheless, with the help of some friends, I was able to make a toy shark fly through the air using brain...

The STEM Crisis Is a Myth
From ACM Opinion

The STEM Crisis Is a Myth

You must have seen the warning a thousand times: Too few young people study scientific or technical subjects, businesses can't find enough workers in those fields...

Why Teaching a Robot to Fetch a Cup of Coffee Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why Teaching a Robot to Fetch a Cup of Coffee Matters

In robotics, as in life, it often takes small steps to reach a big goal.

Steve Mann: My 'augmediated' Life
From ACM Opinion

Steve Mann: My 'augmediated' Life

Back in 2004, I was awakened early one morning by a loud clatter. I ran outside, only to discover that a car had smashed into the corner of my house.

Robotics Trends For 2012
From ACM TechNews

Robotics Trends For 2012

IEEE's Erico Guizzo and founder Travis Deyle make several predictions regarding what will be big news in robotics this year.

From ACM Opinion

It's Time to Start 3d Scanning the World

When Microsoft was developing its Kinect 3D sensor, a critical task was to calibrate its algorithms to rapidly and accurately recognize parts of the human body,...

From ACM News

Big Win For the Losers at D-Wave

Does D-Wave's first big sale disprove the quantum computing naysayers?
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