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Medical AI Is as Much Social as It Is Technological
From ACM Opinion

Medical AI Is as Much Social as It Is Technological

Medical AI applications need to overcome transparency and trust issues.

ChatGPT: Five Priorities for Research
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ChatGPT: Five Priorities for Research

Conversational AI is a game-changer for science; here's how to respond.

Advancing Ethics Review Practices in AI Research
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Advancing Ethics Review Practices in AI Research

Recent initiatives to implement AI ethics review processes, better understand societal impacts, and share learnings have had a positive effect, but more needs to...

Can AI Invent?
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Can AI Invent?

Recent patent applications for two inventions that are claimed to have been made by an AI are bringing these questions to the fore.

AI Model Transferability in Healthcare: A Sociotechnical Perspective
From ACM Opinion

AI Model Transferability in Healthcare: A Sociotechnical Perspective

To realize the promised benefits of applying AI and ML models at scale, a roadmap of the challenges and potential solutions to sociotechnical transferability is...

To Make AI Fair, Here's What Must Be Done
From ACM Opinion

To Make AI Fair, Here's What Must Be Done

AI developers need to collaborate with social scientists and the people affected by its applications.

The Perils of Machine Learning in Designing New Chemicals and Materials
From ACM Opinion

The Perils of Machine Learning in Designing New Chemicals and Materials

As ML tools become more broadly available when making new compounds and materials, the possibilities of misuse increase and must be guarded against.

Human Autonomy in the Age of AI
From ACM Opinion

Human Autonomy in the Age of AI

Current AI policy recommendations differ on what the risks to human autonomy are

India's Tech Innovation Engines Must Raise Their Game
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India's Tech Innovation Engines Must Raise Their Game

Some Indian Institutes of Technology are struggling to establish themselves and must quickly turn things around

Moving Towards Reproducible Machine Learning
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Moving Towards Reproducible Machine Learning

Reporting machine learning-based research can help to improve transparency and reproducibility

The Global Research Community Must Not Abandon Afghanistan
From ACM Opinion

The Global Research Community Must Not Abandon Afghanistan

Vulnerable Afghan researchers need the international research community’s support

Computational Sustainability Meets Materials Science
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Computational Sustainability Meets Materials Science

Exploiting synergies between the disciplines advances both fields and can help establish a sustainable future.

But Is the Code (Re)usable?
From ACM Opinion

But Is the Code (Re)usable?

It is crucial to guarantee the reproducibility of reported results, but don't forget to make research artifacts reusable for the scientific community

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits
From ACM Opinion

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits

Governance of highly automated systems is critical to garner widespread public trust

Everyone Should Decide How Their Digital Data Is Used—Not Just Tech Cos.
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Everyone Should Decide How Their Digital Data Is Used—Not Just Tech Cos.

Smartphones, sensors, and consumer habits reveal much about society. Too few people have a say in how the data is created and used.

Large Language Models Associate Muslims with Violence
From ACM Opinion

Large Language Models Associate Muslims with Violence

New approaches are needed to systematically reduce the harmful bias of language models in deployment.

Research Collaborations Bring Big Rewards: The World Needs More
From ACM Opinion

Research Collaborations Bring Big Rewards: The World Needs More

We need diverse teams collaborating to help navigate and overcome social and geopolitical challenges.

Wanted: Rules for Pandemic Data Access That Everyone Can Trust
From ACM Opinion

Wanted: Rules for Pandemic Data Access That Everyone Can Trust

In the wake of COVID-19, a pandemic treaty could be a way to agree on data access before the next emergency strikes.

How to Be Responsible in AI Publication
From ACM Opinion

How to Be Responsible in AI Publication

A white paper from Partnership on AI advises on navigating the risks of AI research and responsible publication.

Defining a Role for AI Ethics in National Security
From ACM Opinion

Defining a Role for AI Ethics in National Security

Mariarosaria Taddeo, an associate professor and senior research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute and Dstl Ethics Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, discusses...
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