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Supersized AIs: Are Truly Intelligent Machines Just a Matter of Scale?
From ACM Opinion

Supersized AIs: Are Truly Intelligent Machines Just a Matter of Scale?

Gigantic neural networks that write with remarkable fluency have led to suggestions that scaling up will usher in ultimately true machine intelligence

Teaching AIs to Make Mistakes Like Kids Would Help Them Learn Faster
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Teaching AIs to Make Mistakes Like Kids Would Help Them Learn Faster

Teaching artificial intelligence to think like children may make them better learners.

Presenting Robots As People Stops ­s Thinking Clearly About AI
From ACM Opinion

Presenting Robots As People Stops ­s Thinking Clearly About AI

Last week, Pepper the robot spoke before Parliament, but this kind of stunt distracts from the real issues AI provokes.

Why the Iphone X's Face Id Is a Terrible Way to Secure Your Data
From ACM Opinion

Why the Iphone X's Face Id Is a Terrible Way to Secure Your Data

The new iPhone X puts face recognition front and centre. Why? Because it is the quickest and easiest way to unlock your phone.

War By Any Means: The Story of DARPA
From ACM Opinion

War By Any Means: The Story of DARPA

Shortly after arriving at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in April 1958, the new chief scientist presented a plan to the agency's director.

How Alan Turing Found Machine Thinking in the Human Mind
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How Alan Turing Found Machine Thinking in the Human Mind

In 1935, Alan Turing set out to build a reputation by outflanking the world's leading mathematician.

The Hot New Job in Silicon Valley Is Being a Robot's Assistant
From ACM Opinion

The Hot New Job in Silicon Valley Is Being a Robot's Assistant

"I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords." So goes the joke every time artificial intelligence threatens to supersede humans in another job.

The Master Algorithm: A World Remade By Machines that Learn
From ACM Opinion

The Master Algorithm: A World Remade By Machines that Learn

Pedro Domingos's new book is a compelling but rather unquestioning insider view of the search for the ultimate in machine learning.

Work in an Age of Robots
From ACM Opinion

Work in an Age of Robots

What you are about to read was written by a human. Honest.

Ex Machina: Quest to Create an AI Takes No Prisoners
From ACM Opinion

Ex Machina: Quest to Create an AI Takes No Prisoners

It's a rare thing to see a movie about science that takes no prisoners intellectually.

Fear Artificial Stupidity, Not Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Fear Artificial Stupidity, Not Artificial Intelligence

It is not often that you are obliged to proclaim a much-loved genius wrong, but in his alarming prediction on artificial intelligence and the future of humankind...

Get Your Head Around the 13 Boldest Ideas in Science
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Get Your Head Around the 13 Boldest Ideas in Science

Science is full of mind-blowing and counterintuitive concepts.

Defending the Grand Vision of the Human Brain Project
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Defending the Grand Vision of the Human Brain Project

"A grass roots effort is under way to stop the project... 'Mediocre science, terrible science policy,' begins the spirited letter…"

Cyborg Angst: 5 Ways Computers Will Perplex ­S in 2039
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Cyborg Angst: 5 Ways Computers Will Perplex ­S in 2039

Brain chips mean we are struggling to distinguish our own thoughts from ideas implanted by advertisers.

The Trouble With Neuroscience
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The Trouble With Neuroscience

No crevice of the human experience is safe.

Will We Ever ­nderstand How Our Brains Work?
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Will We Ever ­nderstand How Our Brains Work?

When it comes to the human brain, many scientists believe that we are incapable of understanding how it works because we lack the tools and intelligence to measure...

From ACM Opinion

Time For Robots to Get Real

From robotic slug-killers to dancing humanoids, there's a lot of media buzz around robots.

Let's Get Back to Real Space Exploration
From ACM Opinion

Let's Get Back to Real Space Exploration

Time to ditch the black armbands and look beyond low Earth orbit again. The shuttle's passing marks the start of an exciting new era.
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