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Communications of the ACM

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<i>Apple v. Samsung</i> and the Upcoming Design Patent Wars?
From Communications of the ACM

Apple v. Samsung and the Upcoming Design Patent Wars?

Assessing an important recent design patent infringement court decision.

New Exemptions to Anti-Circumvention Rules
From Communications of the ACM

New Exemptions to Anti-Circumvention Rules

Allowing some reverse engineering of technical measures for non-infringing purposes.

Software Patents Are Falling Down
From Communications of the ACM

Software Patents Are Falling Down

Implications of the U.S. Supreme Court's new test for patentable subject matter.

Anti-Circumvention Rules Limit Reverse Engineering
From Communications of the ACM

Anti-Circumvention Rules Limit Reverse Engineering

Considering some of the requested exceptions to technical protection mechanisms.

Copyrightability of Java APIs Revisited
From Communications of the ACM

Copyrightability of Java APIs Revisited

A recent case challenges the long-standing view that application program interfaces are not protectable under copyright law.

Updates on the Intellectual Property Front
From Communications of the ACM

Updates on the Intellectual Property Front

Recapping influential U.S. Supreme Court decisions rendered earlier this year.

Watching TV on Internet-Connected Devices
From Communications of the ACM

Watching TV on Internet-Connected Devices

The ABC vs. Aereo case has potentially far-reaching consequences.

Mass Digitization as Fair Use
From Communications of the ACM

Mass Digitization as Fair Use

Considering the implications of the late-2013 ruling in favor of Google in the Authors Guild case.

Is Software Patentable?
From Communications of the ACM

Is Software Patentable?

Assessing the shifting perspectives on patentability standards for software.

Statutory Damages As a Threat to Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

Statutory Damages As a Threat to Innovation

Considering the negative influence of U.S. statutory damage rules on technology innovation.

A Copyright Challenge to Resales of Digital Music
From Communications of the ACM

A Copyright Challenge to Resales of Digital Music

A currently pending case will have significant implications for secondary markets in digital goods.

Oracle v. Google
From Communications of the ACM

Oracle v. Google: Are APIs Copyrightable?

Assessing the first phase of the trial based on claims that Google's Android platform infringes Oracle's Java-related copyrights and patents.

Can Online Piracy Be Stopped By Laws?
From Communications of the ACM

Can Online Piracy Be Stopped By Laws?

Considering the legal responsibilities of Internet intermediaries in the aftermath of the Stop Online Privacy Act controversy.

Do Software Copyrights Protect What Programs Do?
From Communications of the ACM

Do Software Copyrights Protect What Programs Do?

A case before the European Court of Justice has significant implications for innovation and competition in the software industry.

Why the Google Book Settlement Failed - and What Comes Next?
From Communications of the ACM

Why the Google Book Settlement Failed - and What Comes Next?

Assessing the implications of the Google Book Search settlement.

Too Many Copyrights?
From Communications of the ACM

Too Many Copyrights?

Reinstituting formalities — notice of copyright claims and registration requirements — could help address problems related to too many copyrights that last for...

Do You Own the Software You Buy?
From Communications of the ACM

Do You Own the Software You Buy?

Examining the fine print concerning your rights in your copies of purchased software.

Why Do Software Startups Patent (or Not)?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Do Software Startups Patent (or Not)?

Assessing the controversial results of a recent empirical study of the role of intellectual property in software startups.

Should the Google Book Settlement Be Approved?
From Communications of the ACM

Should the Google Book Settlement Be Approved?

Considering the precedent that could be established by approval of the controversial Google book settlement.

Only Technological Processes Are Patentable
From Communications of the ACM

Only Technological Processes Are Patentable

The U.S. Supreme Court will narrow the universe of process innovations that can be patented to those that are "technological," but what will that mean for software...
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