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Communications of the ACM

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Can Generative AI Bots Be Trusted?
From Communications of the ACM

Can Generative AI Bots Be Trusted?

It will be a long road to learning how to use generative AI wisely.

The Context Problem in Artificial Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

The Context Problem in Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence design challenge of teaming humans and machines is difficult because machines cannot read the context of use.

Involvement and Detachment
From Communications of the ACM

Involvement and Detachment

How detachment from your community blocks your success at leading innovations, and what to do about it.

Systems Abstractions
From Communications of the ACM

Systems Abstractions

Computing professionals use powerful abstractions to tame complexity in large software systems and distributed networks.

Back of the Envelope
From Communications of the ACM

Back of the Envelope

Back-of-the-envelope calculations are a powerful professional practice.

Science Is Not Another Opinion
From Communications of the ACM

Science Is Not Another Opinion

The issue is not who has the "truth," but whose claims deserve more credence.

Avalanches Make Us All Innovators
From Communications of the ACM

Avalanches Make Us All Innovators

Avalanches generate enormous breakdowns. The practices of innovation adoption may be just what you need to resolve them.

Technology Adoption
From Communications of the ACM

Technology Adoption

The S-shaped curve of technology adoption is a welcome recurrence in an otherwise chaotic adoption world.

The Beginner's Creed
From Communications of the ACM

The Beginner's Creed

We all need to learn to be expert beginners.

Why Our Theories of Innovation Fail Us
From Communications of the ACM

Why Our Theories of Innovation Fail Us

Until we moderate our fascination with creating ideas, we will not achieve the rate of innovations we seek.

Automated Education and the Professional
From Communications of the ACM

Automated Education and the Professional

Technology boffins argue the new technologies of intelligent personal learning environments will put universities out of business. Will the purported successor,...

Emergent Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

Emergent Innovation

Fernando Flores, president of Chile's National Innovation Council for Competitiveness, discusses a new common sense about innovation.

A Technician Shortage
From Communications of the ACM

A Technician Shortage

In our elation about rising CS enrollments, we are overlooking a growing shortage of computing technicians. Our education system is not responding to this need.

The Whole Professional
From Communications of the ACM

The Whole Professional

A new book inspires a reflection on what it means to be a whole, competent, and effective professional — and may portend a wave of disruption in education.

Learning For the New Digital Age
From Communications of the ACM

Learning For the New Digital Age

Digital machines are automating knowledge work at an accelerating pace. How shall we learn and stay relevant?

Avalanches Are Coming
From Communications of the ACM

Avalanches Are Coming

Computing technology has generated conditions for radical transformations of jobs and professions — including education. How shall we cope?

'Surfing Toward the Future'
From Communications of the ACM

'Surfing Toward the Future'

A new report from Chile about improving economic competitiveness advances a novel interpretation of innovation. Timing is everything.

Design Thinking
From Communications of the ACM

Design Thinking

Design thinking is the newest fashion for finding better solutions to problems. Combining it with computational thinking offers some real possibilities for improving...

The Other Side of Language
From Communications of the ACM

The Other Side of Language

The conversation for action gives a framework for completing professional actions effectively.

Thumb Numbers
From Communications of the ACM

Thumb Numbers

Rules of thumb stated as numerical rules are enticing, but many are folk theorems that may not apply in your critical situation.
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