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Trump Is Making Canada Great Again
From ACM Opinion

Trump Is Making Canada Great Again

It's no secret that the United States has long dominated cutting-edge technologies, from personal computers and biotech to smartphones and social media.

How We Killed Expertise
From ACM Opinion

How We Killed Expertise

Average Americans have never much liked eggheads.

The Second Job You Don’t Know You Have
From ACM Opinion

The Second Job You Don’t Know You Have

Technology has knocked the bottom rung out of the employment ladder, which has sent youth unemployment around the globe skyrocketing and presented us with a serious...

The Hidden Politics of Video Games
From ACM Opinion

The Hidden Politics of Video Games

Imagine that video games had been invented in the Middle Ages.

Next Battle in the War on Science
From ACM Opinion

Next Battle in the War on Science

The war over science is heating up on Capitol Hill.

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley
From ACM Opinion

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley

The popular recipe for creating the "next" Silicon Valley goes something like this:

Scientists Must Spearhead Ethical ­se of Big Data
From ACM Opinion

Scientists Must Spearhead Ethical ­se of Big Data

The recent revelation that the National Security Agency collects the personal data of United States citizens, allies and enemies alike has broken the traditional...

Cyber Education Key to Security
From ACM Opinion

Cyber Education Key to Security

Today, cyberspace is woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

Tech Provides Map For Nation's Future
From ACM Opinion

Tech Provides Map For Nation's Future

As President Barack Obama and Congress roll up their collective sleeves in an effort to jump-start our nation's struggling economy and cut the burgeoning federal...
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