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What Sinofsky's Departure Suggests About the Current State, and Likely Future, of Microsoft
From ACM Opinion

What Sinofsky's Departure Suggests About the Current State, and Likely Future, of Microsoft

Steven Sinofsky, president of Microsoft's Windows division, abruptly left the company on November 12, shortly after introducing the latest version of the company's...

Why Jony Ive Shouldn't Kill Off Apple's Skeuomorphic Interfaces
From ACM Opinion

Why Jony Ive Shouldn't Kill Off Apple's Skeuomorphic Interfaces

Last week Apple fired Scott Forstall, the architect of its iOS platform, and handed his duties over to the company's chief industrial designer, Jonathan Ive. Ive...

The Most Important Education Technology in 200 Years
From ACM Opinion

The Most Important Education Technology in 200 Years

If you were asked to name the most important innovation in transportation over the last 200 years, you might say the combustion engine, air travel, Henry Ford’s...

Review: Raspberry Pi
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Review: Raspberry Pi

You can get a lot for $35 these days. It bought me what looks like a credit card-size James Bond gadget prototype but is actually a fully functional computer.

From ACM Opinion

Why Did Reddit Succeed Where Digg Failed?

In August 2006, less than two years after its launch, the social content aggregation site Digg was an Internet darling. That month, founder Kevin Rose grinned from...

Google's New Brain Could Have a Big Impact
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Google's New Brain Could Have a Big Impact

A store of information dubbed the "Knowledge Graph" now adds useful context and detail to the list of links that Google serves up.

The Facebook Fallacy
From ACM Opinion

The Facebook Fallacy

Facebook is not only on course to go bust, but will take the rest of the ad-supported Web with it.

How a Private Data Market Could Ruin Facebook
From ACM Opinion

How a Private Data Market Could Ruin Facebook

To justify its sky-high valuation, Facebook will have to increase its profit per user at rates that seem unlikely, even by the most generous predictions.

Review: Bad Apple
From ACM Opinion

Review: Bad Apple

Apple's 1997 "Think Different" marketing campaign was one of its most memorable ever.

How Young Is Too Young to Learn to Code?
From ACM Opinion

How Young Is Too Young to Learn to Code?

When the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 2 spend exactly zero time in front of screens, what its members are concerned about is substitution—all...

From ACM Opinion

The Year in Computing

2011 saw the personal computer continue to be marginalized. Although PCs are still the workhorse computing device in homes and offices, the most exciting innovations...

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The Year on the Web

We've been living in the age of social media for a long time, but 2011 was the year that all the information we share online began to accrete into something greater...

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The Personal Computer Is Dead

Power is fast shifting from end users and software developers to operating system vendors.

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Is Personal Data the New Currency?

What if Facebook paid you? Several startups envision an era in which we are all the brokers, and beneficiaries, of our own personal data.

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming
From ACM Opinion

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming

When the original Xbox video-game console went on sale in 2001, it wasn't clear why Microsoft, known for staid workplace software, was branching out into fast...

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A Cloud Over Ownership

Online services set content free from the physical world's constraints—including those that have defined the very idea of possession.

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The bitcoin, a virtual medium of exchange, could be a real alternative to government-issued money—but only if it survives hoarding by speculators.

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Can We Make Machines Listen More Carefully?

You probably use voice recognition technology already, if in a limited capacity. Maybe you use Google's voice-activated search, or take advantage of its (somewhat...

What Big Data Needs: A Code of Ethical Practices
From ACM Opinion

What Big Data Needs: A Code of Ethical Practices

In this era of Big Data, there is little that cannot be tracked in our online lives—or even in our offline lives. Consider one new Silicon Valley venture, called...

From ACM Opinion

Bing Is Copying Your Clicks, Not Google's Results

Google's results can be accessed because Bing is snooping on IE users.
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