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If Only AI Could Save ­s from Ourselves
From ACM Opinion

If Only AI Could Save ­s from Ourselves

Humans have broken the Internet.

Mr. Robot Killed the Hollywood Hacker
From ACM Opinion

Mr. Robot Killed the Hollywood Hacker

For decades Hollywood has treated computers as magic boxes from which endless plot points could be conjured, in denial of all common sense.

Manufacturing Jobs Aren't Coming Back
From ACM Opinion

Manufacturing Jobs Aren't Coming Back

Pundits will debate the wellsprings of Donald Trump's election triumph for years.

Today's Artificial Intelligence Does Not Justify Basic Income
From ACM Opinion

Today's Artificial Intelligence Does Not Justify Basic Income

Not a day goes by when we do not hear about the threat of AI taking over the jobs of everyone from truck drivers to accountants to radiologists.

Mark Zuckerberg's Long March to China
From ACM Opinion

Mark Zuckerberg's Long March to China

For U.S. Internet businesses, China is the land of moral defeat.

The Internet Is No Place For Public Elections
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is No Place For Public Elections

Despite what your local election officials may tell you, you can’t trust the Internet with your vote.

Are the Experts Worried About the Existential Risk of Artificial Intelligence?
From ACM Opinion

Are the Experts Worried About the Existential Risk of Artificial Intelligence?

If you believe everything you read, you are probably quite worried about the prospect of a superintelligent, killer AI.

The Do-Not-Call List Has a Gaping Hole
From ACM Opinion

The Do-Not-Call List Has a Gaping Hole

Sure, legitimate telemarketers will refrain from calling you if you've put your phone number on it. But criminal telephone spammers will call you anyway because...

How an Inventor You've Probably Never Heard of Shaped the Modern World
From ACM Opinion

How an Inventor You've Probably Never Heard of Shaped the Modern World

Many of the inventors who fueled the digital revolution have become household names.

Why Russian Hackers Probably Can't Mess with the ­.s. Election
From ACM Opinion

Why Russian Hackers Probably Can't Mess with the ­.s. Election

State-sponsored Russian hackers appear to be behind attacks on voter databases in Arizona and Illinois.

How to Read Between the Lines of Tim Cook's Epic Interview
From ACM Opinion

How to Read Between the Lines of Tim Cook's Epic Interview

To celebrate five years as CEO of Apple, Tim Cook has given a very long, exclusive interview to the Washington Post about his experiences so far. But what he didn’t...

Basic Income: A Sellout of the American Dream
From ACM Opinion

Basic Income: A Sellout of the American Dream

Matt Krisiloff is in a small, glass-walled conference room off the lobby of Y Combinator’s office in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood, shouting distance...

The All-American Iphone
From ACM Opinion

The All-American Iphone

Donald Trump says that if he becomes president, he will "get Apple to start making their computers and their iPhones on our land, not in China." Bernie ­Sanders...

What If Apple Is Wrong?
From ACM Opinion

What If Apple Is Wrong?

Soon after Devon Godfrey was shot to death in his apartment in Harlem on the evening of April 12, 2010, officers with the New York Police Department thought they...

The Step Needed to Make Virtual Reality More Real
From ACM Opinion

The Step Needed to Make Virtual Reality More Real

It's one thing to play the arcade game Whac-A-Mole by swinging around an oversized mallet; it's far easier to whack those moles virtually, controlling the mallet...

Who Will Own the Robots?
From ACM News

Who Will Own the Robots?

The way Hod Lipson describes his Creative Machines Lab captures his ambitions: "We are interested in robots that create and are creative."  

Why Robots and Humans Struggled with Darpa's Challenge
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots and Humans Struggled with Darpa's Challenge

When some of the world's most advanced rescue robots are foiled by nothing more complex than a doorknob, you get a good sense of the challenge of making our homes...

Toolkits For the Mind
From ACM Opinion

Toolkits For the Mind

When the Japanese computer scientist Yukihiro Matsumoto decided to create Ruby, a programming language that has helped build Twitter, Hulu, and much of the modern...

Reality Check: Comparing Hololens and Magic Leap
From ACM Opinion

Reality Check: Comparing Hololens and Magic Leap

I've seen two competing visions for a future in which virtual objects are merged seamlessly with the real world.

Our Fear of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Our Fear of Artificial Intelligence

Years ago I had coffee with a friend who ran a startup.
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