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How a Private Data Market Could Ruin Facebook
From ACM Opinion

How a Private Data Market Could Ruin Facebook

To justify its sky-high valuation, Facebook will have to increase its profit per user at rates that seem unlikely, even by the most generous predictions.

From ACM Opinion

Why Transparent Tracking Needs Its Own App

Amid widespread concern over an obscure piece of smart-phone diagnostic software that some experts say could be used to collect and transmit sensitive information...

From ACM Opinion

The Personal Computer Is Dead

Power is fast shifting from end users and software developers to operating system vendors.

From ACM Opinion

Is Personal Data the New Currency?

What if Facebook paid you? Several startups envision an era in which we are all the brokers, and beneficiaries, of our own personal data.

From ACM Opinion

A Cloud Over Ownership

Online services set content free from the physical world's constraints—including those that have defined the very idea of possession.

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The bitcoin, a virtual medium of exchange, could be a real alternative to government-issued money—but only if it survives hoarding by speculators.

What Big Data Needs: A Code of Ethical Practices
From ACM Opinion

What Big Data Needs: A Code of Ethical Practices

In this era of Big Data, there is little that cannot be tracked in our online lives—or even in our offline lives. Consider one new Silicon Valley venture, called...

From ACM Opinion

Iran's Answer to Stuxnet

Might a "halal Internet" be in the wings?

Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks
From ACM Opinion

Everything You Need to Know About Wikileaks

Two experts lay out the facts surrounding the controversy.

Technology Lessons from the Wikileaks Saga
From ACM Opinion

Technology Lessons from the Wikileaks Saga

There's already debate about whether Wikileaks's release of 92,000 classified documents on the war in Afghanistan was more of a milestone in the annals of national...
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