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Fake America Great Again
From ACM Opinion

Fake America Great Again

Guess what? I just got hold of some embarrassing video footage of Texas senator Ted Cruz singing and gyrating to Tina Turner. His political enemies will have great...

The Four Ways that Ex-Internet Idealists Explain Where It All Went Wrong
From ACM Opinion

The Four Ways that Ex-Internet Idealists Explain Where It All Went Wrong

A long time ago, in the bad old days of the 2000s, debates about the Internet were dominated by two great tribes: the Optimists and the Pessimists.

The Seven Deadly Sins of AI Predictions
From ACM Opinion

The Seven Deadly Sins of AI Predictions

We are surrounded by hysteria about the future of artificial intelligence and robotics—hysteria about how powerful they will become, how quickly, and what they...

China's AI Awakening
From ACM Opinion

China's AI Awakening

On a tropical island that marks the southern tip of China, a computer program called Lengpudashi is playing one-on-one poker against a dozen people at once, and...

5 Big Predictions For Artificial Intelligence in 2017
From ACM Opinion

5 Big Predictions For Artificial Intelligence in 2017

Last year was huge for advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. But 2017 may well deliver even more.

Apple's 'code = Speech' Mistake
From ACM Opinion

Apple's 'code = Speech' Mistake

In its legal fight against the FBI over iPhone security, Apple has made just about every argument it can credibly make.

Fighting Isis Online
From ACM Opinion

Fighting Isis Online

The two men pecked out messages on opposite sides of the country.

Toolkits For the Mind
From ACM Opinion

Toolkits For the Mind

When the Japanese computer scientist Yukihiro Matsumoto decided to create Ruby, a programming language that has helped build Twitter, Hulu, and much of the modern...

The History Inside ­S
From ACM Opinion

The History Inside ­S

Every day our DNA breaks a little. Special enzymes keep our genome intact while we're alive, but after death, once the oxygen runs out, there is no more repair.

From ACM Opinion

Why Google Doesn't Have a Research Lab

Research vice presidents at some computing giants, such as Microsoft and IBM, rule over divisions housed in dedicated facilities carefully insulated from the rat...

Glass, Darkly
From ACM Opinion

Glass, Darkly

Google Glass shares much of its electronics and software with the smartphone, but it's a very different machine.

The Decline of Wikipedia
From ACM Opinion

The Decline of Wikipedia

The sixth most widely used website in the world is not run anything like the others in the top 10.

From ACM Opinion

As We May Type

In 1984, the personal-computer industry was still small enough to be captured, with reasonable fidelity, in a one-volume publication, the Whole Earth Software Catalog...

Apple's New Mobile Os Is All About Ive
From ACM Opinion

Apple's New Mobile Os Is All About Ive

For Apple, there's a lot riding on iOS 7, the newest version of its mobile software and the first refresh overseen by veteran industrial design head Jonathan Ive...

How Technology Has Restored the Soul of Politics
From ACM Opinion

How Technology Has Restored the Soul of Politics

In 1979, I was an aeronautical-engineering major at San Jose State University, sneaking time in the laser lab to make holograms or running over to the computer...

By Hiring Kurzweil, Google Just Killed the Singularity
From ACM Opinion

By Hiring Kurzweil, Google Just Killed the Singularity

Late last Friday, Google announced a jaw-dropping hire: Ray Kurzweil will join the company as a Director of Engineering. Has the world’s brainiest tech company"rapture...

Google's New Brain Could Have a Big Impact
From ACM News

Google's New Brain Could Have a Big Impact

A store of information dubbed the "Knowledge Graph" now adds useful context and detail to the list of links that Google serves up.

From ACM Opinion

The Year on the Web

We've been living in the age of social media for a long time, but 2011 was the year that all the information we share online began to accrete into something greater...

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming
From ACM Opinion

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming

When the original Xbox video-game console went on sale in 2001, it wasn't clear why Microsoft, known for staid workplace software, was branching out into fast...

From ACM Opinion

Bing Is Copying Your Clicks, Not Google's Results

Google's results can be accessed because Bing is snooping on IE users.
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