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Voice Recognition: Has It Come of Age?
From ACM Opinion

Voice Recognition: Has It Come of Age?

The man sits down in front of the computer and says, affably: "Computer!"

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Could 3D Printing End Our Throwaway Culture?

There's a tiny knob missing from my hands-free car kit, which I keep meaning to replace. The thing is, I don't think I can buy parts for it, so I probably need...

From ACM Opinion

Dennis Ritchie: The Other Man Inside Your Iphone

The groundbreaking work he did with Ken Thompson led to the operating system behind everything from set-top boxes to the iPhone, but who sings the praises of...

Steve Jobs: A Man of Contradiction and Genius
From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs: A Man of Contradiction and Genius

When historians look back at the life of Steve Jobs, they will chronicle a man of contradiction and genius. But for the legions of Apple fans, it's personal.

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Vint Cerf: Facebook Could Be Next Aol or IBM

Vint Cerf, Google's chief internet evangelist, and the man who designed a key building block of the Internet, warned that Facebook's "closed" architecture meant...

Kids Today Need a Licence to Tinker
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Kids Today Need a Licence to Tinker

Back to school time and millions of British kids are heading back to classrooms to embark on the national curriculum so beloved of busybody ministers.

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Beware: Europe's 'unitary Patent' Could Mean ­nlimited Software Patents

Just as the U.S. software industry is experiencing the long-anticipated all-out software patent wars, the European Union has a plan to follow the same course....

From ACM Opinion

Why Google Had to Have Motorola Mobility

For several years now, Google has been following a vow made by former CEO Eric Schmidt: mobile first. New CEO Larry Page is taking that dictum to a new level...

Steve, Please Buy ­S a Carrier!
From ACM Opinion

Steve, Please Buy ­S a Carrier!

What should Apple do with its $76bn in cash? It could do worse than spend some of it on acquiring its own mobile carrier.

Why Cctv Has Failed to Deter Criminals
From ACM Opinion

Why Cctv Has Failed to Deter Criminals

I've lost track of the number of people who've asked me to comment on David Cameron's insane plan to cripple Britain's Internet in times of civil unrest by blocking...

Why Lulzsec Had No Choice but to Disband
From ACM Opinion

Why Lulzsec Had No Choice but to Disband

After just 50 days, the group said it was ceasing individual operations. Why, when you might have thought things were going so well?

Networks Are Not Always Revolutionary
From ACM Opinion

Networks Are Not Always Revolutionary

"For most artists," as the famous Tim O'Reilly aphorism has it "the problem isn't piracy, it's obscurity." To me, this is inarguably true and self-evident—the...

Feds Versus the Hacker ­nderground: Army of Informers Turned By Fear
From ACM Opinion

Feds Versus the Hacker ­nderground: Army of Informers Turned By Fear

When Jeff Moss, popularly known as the Dark Tangent, started holding underground hacker conferences in Las Vegas he knew he had a problem. All previous gatherings...

In the Digital Era Free Is Easy, So How Do You Persuade People to Pay?
From ACM Opinion

In the Digital Era Free Is Easy, So How Do You Persuade People to Pay?

To compete with piracy, content providers need clear value propositions that don't conflict with the product.

Where Will Larry Page Lead Google?
From ACM Opinion

Where Will Larry Page Lead Google?

In the 10 years since the last time Larry Page was Google's chief executive, the company has changed a bit. It has gone from an ambitious startup to a publicly...

Berners-Lee Warns Isps on Net Neutrality
From ACM Opinion

Berners-Lee Warns Isps on Net Neutrality

The inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has warned internet service providers (ISPs) that plans for a "two-speed" Internet go against the principles...

Google Is Polluting the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Google Is Polluting the Internet

The danger of allowing an advertising company to control the index of human knowledge is too obvious to ignore.

Why Minority Report Was Spot On
From ACM Opinion

Why Minority Report Was Spot On

The launch of Microsoft's new Kinect games system, which allows players to run, jump, punch and shoot without having to wear strange clothing or hold any kind of...

How Science Became Cool
From ACM Opinion

How Science Became Cool

The incredible ambition of the Large Hadron Collider has fired our imagination; physicists have become cult TV stars; dramatic new pictures from space grace a million...

Why Design Should Be Rated Alongside Science
From ACM Opinion

Why Design Should Be Rated Alongside Science

Design education is as important to the future of the economy as the sciences, technology, mathematics and engineering, and should be given equal support.
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