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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorThe Guardian

In the Digital Era Free Is Easy, So How Do You Persuade People to Pay?
From ACM Opinion

In the Digital Era Free Is Easy, So How Do You Persuade People to Pay?

To compete with piracy, content providers need clear value propositions that don't conflict with the product.

Where Will Larry Page Lead Google?
From ACM Opinion

Where Will Larry Page Lead Google?

In the 10 years since the last time Larry Page was Google's chief executive, the company has changed a bit. It has gone from an ambitious startup to a publicly...

Berners-Lee Warns Isps on Net Neutrality
From ACM Opinion

Berners-Lee Warns Isps on Net Neutrality

The inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has warned internet service providers (ISPs) that plans for a "two-speed" Internet go against the principles...

Google Is Polluting the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Google Is Polluting the Internet

The danger of allowing an advertising company to control the index of human knowledge is too obvious to ignore.

Why Minority Report Was Spot On
From ACM Opinion

Why Minority Report Was Spot On

The launch of Microsoft's new Kinect games system, which allows players to run, jump, punch and shoot without having to wear strange clothing or hold any kind of...
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