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My Nightmare Trip into the Metaverse
From ACM Opinion

My Nightmare Trip into the Metaverse

A reporter dons a VR headset, heads into the metaverse, and witnesses the most disturbing sights of her life.

We're Approaching the Limits of Computer Power – We Need New Programmers Now
From ACM Opinion

We're Approaching the Limits of Computer Power – We Need New Programmers Now

Ever-faster processors led to bloated software, but physical limits may force a return to the concise code of the past.

Google at 20: How Two 'Obnoxious' Students Changed the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Google at 20: How Two 'Obnoxious' Students Changed the Internet

In the summer of 1995, a second-year grad student called Sergey Brin was giving a tour of Stanford University to prospective students. Larry Page, an engineering...

Our Concerns About the Arrest of Abbas Edalat in Iran
From ACM Careers

Our Concerns About the Arrest of Abbas Edalat in Iran

129 experts in computer science, mathematics, and machine learning call for the release of their colleague, the Imperial College London professor who was arrested...

Artificial Intelligence: 'homo Sapiens Will Be Split Into a Handful of Gods and the Rest of ­s'
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence: 'homo Sapiens Will Be Split Into a Handful of Gods and the Rest of ­s'

If you wanted relief from stories about tyre factories and steel plants closing, you could try relaxing with a new 300-page report from Bank of America Merrill which...

16 Trends That Will Define the Future of Video Games
From ACM Opinion

16 Trends That Will Define the Future of Video Games

Hundreds of game developers, publishers and analysts recently descended on Brighton for the annual Develop conference.

Stop Complaining About the Facebook Study. It's a Golden Age For Research
From ACM Opinion

Stop Complaining About the Facebook Study. It's a Golden Age For Research

Several years ago, my student and I studied anonymous email server data from 40,000 students, faculty and staff at a large university.

Bill For Compulsory Science Fiction in West Virginia Schools
From ACM Opinion

Bill For Compulsory Science Fiction in West Virginia Schools

A bill calling for science fiction to be made compulsory reading in schools has been proposed by a politician in West Virginia in order to "stimulate interest in...

From ACM Opinion

Welcome to the Desktop Degree

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, in 1995 to be precise, a scholar named Eli Noam published an article in the prestigious journal Science under the titleElectronics...

Programming Should Take Pride of Place in Our Schools
From ACM Opinion

Programming Should Take Pride of Place in Our Schools

If we don't change the way ICT is thought about and taught, we're shutting the door on our children's futures.

Kids Today Need a Licence to Tinker
From ACM Opinion

Kids Today Need a Licence to Tinker

Back to school time and millions of British kids are heading back to classrooms to embark on the national curriculum so beloved of busybody ministers.

Why Design Should Be Rated Alongside Science
From ACM Opinion

Why Design Should Be Rated Alongside Science

Design education is as important to the future of the economy as the sciences, technology, mathematics and engineering, and should be given equal support.
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