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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorThe Wall Street Journal

From ACM Opinion

China's Cyberassault on America

In justifying U.S. involvement in Libya, the Obama administration cited the "responsibility to protect" citizens of other countries when their governments engage...

Reply All: The Button Everyone Loves to Hate
From ACM Opinion

Reply All: The Button Everyone Loves to Hate

I answered my phone recently to hear a friend shrieking in my ear. "Check your inbox for the email I just sent you," he wailed. "And please, please tell me I...

Prosecute Assange ­nder the Espionage Act
From ACM Opinion

Prosecute Assange ­nder the Espionage Act

Just as the First Amendment is not a license to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, it is also not a license to jeopardize national security.

High Tech's Great Leap Backward
From ACM Opinion

High Tech's Great Leap Backward

Beijing recently announced that starting on July 1, all computers sold in China must come installed with government-designed software to block pornography. Testing...
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