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subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorThe Wall Street Journal

China's 5G Soars over America's
From ACM Opinion

China's 5G Soars over America's

In some U.S. cities, 5G is slower than the old 4G system; Washington must make it a priority

Alexa: Don't Let My 2-Year-Old Talk to You That Way
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Alexa: Don't Let My 2-Year-Old Talk to You That Way

Parents, your child may have a new secret friend: your smart speaker.

In Search of Blockchain's Killer-Apps
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In Search of Blockchain's Killer-Apps

Blockchain has been in the news lately, but beyond knowing that it has something to do with payments and digital currencies, most people don't know what blockchain...

A Framework for Building Artificial Intelligence Capabilities
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A Framework for Building Artificial Intelligence Capabilities

After decades of promise and hype, artificial intelligence has finally reached a tipping point of market acceptance.

America Isn't Ready For a Cyberattack
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America Isn't Ready For a Cyberattack

The recent cyberattack that rendered more than 1,200 websites unreachable was a warning. Experts say a similar, or larger, attack could be launched tomorrow, and...

In China, a Robot's Place Is in the Kitchen
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In China, a Robot's Place Is in the Kitchen

Wang Peixin has seen the future, and he's sure it features robots serving up fried dumplings.

Too Cute For Their Own Good, Robots Get Self-Defense Instincts
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Too Cute For Their Own Good, Robots Get Self-Defense Instincts

At a shopping mall here one recent Friday, six-year-old Ruby Dowling made friends with a friendly egg-shaped robot.

Is Predictive Policing the Law-Enforcement Tactic of the Future?
From ACM Opinion

Is Predictive Policing the Law-Enforcement Tactic of the Future?

As big data transforms industries ranging from retailing to health care, it’s also becoming a more important tool for police departments, which are turning to data...

The Language Barrier Is About to Fall
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The Language Barrier Is About to Fall

It used to be the case when I traveled abroad that I would take a little pocket dictionary that provided translations for commonly used phrases and words.

'crispr' Breaks Out Of the Lab
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'crispr' Breaks Out Of the Lab

A new gene-editing technology has been relentlessly hyped over the past year, and it goes by a catchy if rather incongruous acronym: Crispr.

Learning to Apply Data Science to Business Problems
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Learning to Apply Data Science to Business Problems

One of the most exciting parts of data science is that it can be applied to many domains of knowledge, given our newfound ability to gather valuable data on almost...

How the Science in 'star Wars’ Is Actually Real
From ACM Opinion

How the Science in 'star Wars’ Is Actually Real

For a story that takes place "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" a great deal of the technology in the "Star Wars" series actually has parallels today on...

Why Google Is Willing to Give Away Its Latest Machine-Learning Software
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Is Willing to Give Away Its Latest Machine-Learning Software

Google's move to give away its latest machine-learning software, key to its speech- and photo-recognition programs, isn’t as crazy as it may appear.

Apple Carplay Review: Siri's Finally on the Right Road
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Apple Carplay Review: Siri's Finally on the Right Road

I take back all—OK most—of the expletives I’ve ever hurled at Siri.

Pluto Is Just a Baby Step For Humankind
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Pluto Is Just a Baby Step For Humankind

As it advances now beyond Pluto, the New Horizons spacecraft is sending back data from its historic encounter with the dwarf planet like a long sigh of relief.

Want Your Writing to Look Like Einstein's? Computers Mimic Handwriting of the Famous
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Want Your Writing to Look Like Einstein's? Computers Mimic Handwriting of the Famous

Harald Geisler wants to make you as brilliant as Albert Einstein. Or at least let you write like him. Or at least write in his handwriting.

Brace Yourself: Microsoft Wants to Guess How Old You Are
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Brace Yourself: Microsoft Wants to Guess How Old You Are

Like a distant relative who makes you feel bad at the annual holiday get together, Microsoft has created a website that analyzes a photo of a person's face and...

New Laws For New Threats Like Drones and Bioterrorism
From ACM Opinion

New Laws For New Threats Like Drones and Bioterrorism

You walk into your shower and see a spider.

The 12 Tech Nuisances That Annoy ­s Most
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The 12 Tech Nuisances That Annoy ­s Most

You know those days when your phone battery doesn't even make it to dinner?

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots
From ACM Opinion

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots

Robots are becoming more of a reality in everyday life, and movies have started to overhaul their depiction of them. They're gentler, friendlier, and often better...
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