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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorThe Washington Post

The New AI Writing Tool Might Teach Us the Value of Truth
From ACM Opinion

The New AI Writing Tool Might Teach Us the Value of Truth

AI literally does not care what is true.

How AI Could Accidentally Extinguish Humankind
From ACM Opinion

How AI Could Accidentally Extinguish Humankind

Humanity is not prepared for artificial superintelligence right now.

A Reason to Despair About the Digital Future: Deepfakes
From ACM Opinion

A Reason to Despair About the Digital Future: Deepfakes

A despairing prediction for the digital future came from an unlikely source recently. Speaking of "deepfakes," or media manipulated through artificial intelligence...

Your Smartphone Photos Are Totally Fake, and You Love It
From ACM Opinion

Your Smartphone Photos Are Totally Fake, and You Love It

The little camera on this phone has a superpower: It can see things our eyes cannot.

Google's China Plan Isn't Just Evil, It's Bad for Business
From ACM Opinion

Google's China Plan Isn't Just Evil, It's Bad for Business

Google is proposing a new Faustian bargain with the Chinese government that isn't just morally wrong; it's also terrible for business. Experience has shown that...

The ­.S. Once Again Has the World's Fastest Supercomputer. Keep ­p the Hustle.
From ACM Opinion

The ­.S. Once Again Has the World's Fastest Supercomputer. Keep ­p the Hustle.

The United States has knocked China out of the No. 1 position in supercomputing.

Don't Blame China, Mr. President. Blame the Robots.
From ACM Opinion

Don't Blame China, Mr. President. Blame the Robots.

Mr. President, if you're looking for someone to demonize for killing blue-collar jobs in your favorite industries, don't blame China and "bad trade deals." Blame...

China's Breathtaking Transformation Into a Scientific Superpower
From ACM Opinion

China's Breathtaking Transformation Into a Scientific Superpower

The National Science Foundation and the National Science Board have just released their biennial "Science & Engineering Indicators," a voluminous document describing...

10 Ways Tech Will Shape Your Life in 2018, For Better and Worse
From ACM Opinion

10 Ways Tech Will Shape Your Life in 2018, For Better and Worse

Is the outlook for technology in 2018 exciting—or slightly terrifying? Flip a coin. You'd be right either way.

Why These Friendly Robots Can't Be Good Friends to Our Kids
From ACM Opinion

Why These Friendly Robots Can't Be Good Friends to Our Kids

Jibo the robot swivels around when it hears its name and tilts its touchscreen face upward, expectantly.

Apple Is Sharing Your Face with Apps. That's a New Privacy Worry.
From ACM Opinion

Apple Is Sharing Your Face with Apps. That's a New Privacy Worry.

Poop that mimics your facial expressions was just the beginning.

Human Vs. Machine Contests (real or Fictional) But Involving Ordinary Humans
From ACM Opinion

Human Vs. Machine Contests (real or Fictional) But Involving Ordinary Humans

I'm looking for a famous (or at least interesting) human vs. machine contest to use as an analogy in an article.

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs

Don't worry. The robots won't destroy all our jobs. History suggests just the opposite—that new technologies inspire new jobs.

Why Apple Is Struggling to Become an Artificial-Intelligence Powerhouse
From ACM Opinion

Why Apple Is Struggling to Become an Artificial-Intelligence Powerhouse

In 2011, Apple became the first company to place artificial intelligence in the pockets of millions of consumers when it launched the voice assistant Siri on the...

Coming Technology Will Likely Destroy Millions of Jobs. Is Trump Ready?
From ACM Opinion

Coming Technology Will Likely Destroy Millions of Jobs. Is Trump Ready?

American manufacturing job losses to China and Mexico were a major theme of the presidential campaign, and President Trump has followed up on his promise to pressure...

Robots Won't Kill the Workforce. They'll Save the Global Economy.
From ACM Opinion

Robots Won't Kill the Workforce. They'll Save the Global Economy.

The United Nations forecasts that the global population will rise from 7.3 billion to nearly 10 billion by 2050, a big number that often prompts warnings about...

The Brave New World of Robots and Lost Jobs
From ACM Opinion

The Brave New World of Robots and Lost Jobs

Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses...

The Tesla Didn't Really Crash Itself
From ACM Opinion

The Tesla Didn't Really Crash Itself

Tesla's Autopilot feature is now under investigation after the first known fatality involving a Tesla car using "Autopilot" mode was reported. The car automation...

If Killer Robots Arrive, the Terminator Will Be the Least of Our Problems
From ACM Opinion

If Killer Robots Arrive, the Terminator Will Be the Least of Our Problems

Autonomous weapons experts sounded the alarm last week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, cautioning that unless governments act to limit these...

Driverless Cars Are Colliding with the Creepy Trolley Problem
From ACM Opinion

Driverless Cars Are Colliding with the Creepy Trolley Problem

Philosophers have been gnawing on the infamous Trolley Problem for decades, and it’s always been a purely intellectual exercise with no "right" answer.
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