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authorThe Washington Post

The ­.S. Campaign Against Huawei Can Offer No ­.S.-Based Alternatives
From ACM Opinion

The ­.S. Campaign Against Huawei Can Offer No ­.S.-Based Alternatives

As U.S. officials have pressured allies not to use networking gear from Chinese technology giant Huawei over spying concerns, President Trump has urged American...

Google's China Plan Isn't Just Evil, It's Bad for Business
From ACM Opinion

Google's China Plan Isn't Just Evil, It's Bad for Business

Google is proposing a new Faustian bargain with the Chinese government that isn't just morally wrong; it's also terrible for business. Experience has shown that...

Someone Is Watching You
From ACM Opinion

Someone Is Watching You

Isn't technology wonderful? At Purdue University, the same IT infrastructure that enables us to manage student assignments and grades, operate residential and dining...

Apple Is Pulling Vpns from the Chinese App Store. Here's What that Means. 
From ACM Opinion

Apple Is Pulling Vpns from the Chinese App Store. Here's What that Means. 

China's restrictive Internet policies are known for blocking Web users who want to reach Google, Facebook or other banned apps. But now some of those policies are...

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs

Don't worry. The robots won't destroy all our jobs. History suggests just the opposite—that new technologies inspire new jobs.

Why Apple Is Struggling to Become an Artificial-Intelligence Powerhouse
From ACM Opinion

Why Apple Is Struggling to Become an Artificial-Intelligence Powerhouse

In 2011, Apple became the first company to place artificial intelligence in the pockets of millions of consumers when it launched the voice assistant Siri on the...

What to Expect Now That Internet Providers Can Collect and Sell Your Web Browser History
From ACM Opinion

What to Expect Now That Internet Providers Can Collect and Sell Your Web Browser History

After Congress handed President Trump legislation Tuesday that would wipe away landmark privacy protections for Internet users, we received a lot of reader questions...

Coming Technology Will Likely Destroy Millions of Jobs. Is Trump Ready?
From ACM Opinion

Coming Technology Will Likely Destroy Millions of Jobs. Is Trump Ready?

American manufacturing job losses to China and Mexico were a major theme of the presidential campaign, and President Trump has followed up on his promise to pressure...

How Donald Trump Will Dismantle Obama's Internet Legacy
From ACM Opinion

How Donald Trump Will Dismantle Obama's Internet Legacy

President-elect Donald Trump could eviscerate some of the most significant tech policies of the 21st century, all but erasing President Obama's Internet agenda...

The Brave New World of Robots and Lost Jobs
From ACM Opinion

The Brave New World of Robots and Lost Jobs

Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses...

America Wants to Believe China Can't Innovate. Tech Tells a Different Story.
From ACM Opinion

America Wants to Believe China Can't Innovate. Tech Tells a Different Story.

Silicon Valley may be powered by organic kale, but when Chinese tech gurus gather at 3W, a coffee shop-slash-incubator in the Chinese capital, they want sunflower...

The Real Reason America Controls Its Nukes with Ancient Floppy Disks
From ACM Opinion

The Real Reason America Controls Its Nukes with Ancient Floppy Disks

America's nuclear arsenal depends on a surprising relic of the 1970s that few of us may recall: the humble floppy disk.

This One Thing Could Hurt Apple's Case in Washington
From ACM Opinion

This One Thing Could Hurt Apple's Case in Washington

Apple's fight with the FBI is widening beyond the courts.

How the Astros Baseball Hack Explains Chinese Cyberespionage
From ACM Opinion

How the Astros Baseball Hack Explains Chinese Cyberespionage

Two major cybersecurity scandals are currently making headlines: One is the hack of an internal network belonging to a Major League Baseball team, allegedly bya...

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?
From ACM Opinion

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?

Consider a question that we have been puzzling over at the World Economic Forum.

How the Battle For the Future of the Web Is Shaped By Economics
From ACM Opinion

How the Battle For the Future of the Web Is Shaped By Economics

There are two stories people are trying to tell right now about the future of the Internet.

Why Shades of Asperger's Syndrome Are the Secret to Building a Great Tech Company
From ACM Careers

Why Shades of Asperger's Syndrome Are the Secret to Building a Great Tech Company

The individuals who have founded some of the most success tech companies are decidedly weird.

How Technology Is Making ­S Tip More Than Ever
From ACM Opinion

How Technology Is Making ­S Tip More Than Ever

By now, you've probably experienced it: After grabbing a cup of espresso, buying some ice cream or taking a cab, you swipe your credit card and prepare to sign—but...

After Net Neutrality Vote, an ­ncertain Future For the Internet
From ACM Opinion

After Net Neutrality Vote, an ­ncertain Future For the Internet

Thursday, during a rancorous meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, the agencyvoted 3-2 to impose public utility regulations on Internet access providers...

Robots Are Sneaking ­p On Congress (along with Four Other Tech Trends)
From ACM Opinion

Robots Are Sneaking ­p On Congress (along with Four Other Tech Trends)

One of the best Twitter accounts inside the Beltway or out—belongs to former representativeJohn Dingell (D-Mich.), who announced his retirement with self-effacing...
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