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authorThe Washington Post

3 Ways to Make Software Patents Suck Less (without Abolishing Them Altogether)
From ACM Opinion

3 Ways to Make Software Patents Suck Less (without Abolishing Them Altogether)

This week, the Supreme Court tackled one of the thorniest problems in tech policy: software patents.

What Oculus's $2 Billion Payday Teaches ­S About Innovation
From ACM Opinion

What Oculus's $2 Billion Payday Teaches ­S About Innovation

Tuesday's announcement that Facebook is buying the virtual-reality start-up Oculus for $2 billion no doubt left many people scratching their heads.

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete
From ACM Opinion

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete

For the past two decades, the Internet has operated as an unregulated, competitive free market.

The Political Science of Cybersecurity III—How International Relations Theory Shapes U.S. Cybersecurity Doctrine
From ACM Opinion

The Political Science of Cybersecurity III—How International Relations Theory Shapes U.S. Cybersecurity Doctrine

U.S. cybersecurity officials have been much more skeptical about international cooperation than their Cold War counterparts were.

Some Predict Computers Will Produce a Jobless Future. Here's Why They're Wrong.
From ACM Opinion

Some Predict Computers Will Produce a Jobless Future. Here's Why They're Wrong.

Will "smart machines" steal our jobs?

Here's Why Tech Companies' Nsa 'transparency Reports' Are Mostly a Pr Stunt
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Tech Companies' Nsa 'transparency Reports' Are Mostly a Pr Stunt

Technology companies will soon be able to disclose more details about the number of national security orders and requests they receive, according to a joint statement...

10 Bold Predictions For 2014
From ACM Opinion

10 Bold Predictions For 2014

At the beginning of each year, it's possible to make predictions about the future of the tech sector simply by extrapolating from data in the latest Mary Meeker...

Dogecoins and Litecoins and Peercoins Oh My: What You Need to Know About Bitcoin Alternatives
From ACM News

Dogecoins and Litecoins and Peercoins Oh My: What You Need to Know About Bitcoin Alternatives

By now, most people have heard of Bitcoin, the peer-to-peer currency whose value has soared over the past couple of years.

Correcting the Record on the Nsa Review
From ACM Opinion

Correcting the Record on the Nsa Review

One of the dangers of a 304 -page report on a complex subject is that everyone gets to choose what he or she thinks is the bottom line.

Tor Is Supposed to Hide You Online. In This Harvard Student's Case, It Did the Opposite.
From ACM Opinion

Tor Is Supposed to Hide You Online. In This Harvard Student's Case, It Did the Opposite.

At 9 a.m. Monday, fire alarms went off in Harvard's Emerson Hall.

Here's Everything You Should Know About Nsa Address Book Spying in One Faq
From ACM News

Here's Everything You Should Know About Nsa Address Book Spying in One Faq

A new report from The Washington Post, based on documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden, reveals that the National Security Agency is collecting hundreds...

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty

Police officers in Rialto, Calif., carry cameras to record their every action while on duty.

The New York Times Was Losing $5 Per Second Thanks to Its Web Site Outage
From ACM News

The New York Times Was Losing $5 Per Second Thanks to Its Web Site Outage

The New York Times is still reeling from a massive Web outage that took down its homepage, its corporate Web site, and everything in between.

Microsoft Is Doomed, But First It's Going to Make a Ton of Money
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft Is Doomed, But First It's Going to Make a Ton of Money

Microsoft stock lost about 10 percent of its value in the wake of a quarterly earnings report on Thursday that investors deemed sub-par. Yet revenue for the second...

Immigration and the Knowledge Economy
From ACM Opinion

Immigration and the Knowledge Economy

Earlier this year I started teaching a class on entrepreneurship at an after-school program in my community.

Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow on 'homeland,' Printed Guns, and Heart Hacking
From ACM Opinion

Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow on 'homeland,' Printed Guns, and Heart Hacking

I had the pleasure of spending some time with Cory Doctorow on Feb. 25 at the Jefferson Hotel here in the nation's capital.

What China's Hackers Get Wrong About Washington
From ACM Opinion

What China's Hackers Get Wrong About Washington

"Start asking security experts which powerful Washington institutions have been penetrated by Chinese cyberspies," report my colleagues Craig Timberg and Ellen...

Why Mapping the Human Brain Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why Mapping the Human Brain Matters

It turns out that President Barack Obama’s head-scratching mention of a project to map the human brain in his most recent State of the Union speech was more than...

Jill and Scott Kelley on the Petraeus Scandal and Loss of Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Jill and Scott Kelley on the Petraeus Scandal and Loss of Privacy

We woke up on the morning of Nov. 9 expecting the usual: for one of us, the tending to patients; for the other, the morning rush of packing lunches and getting...

What the Baseball Hall of Fame Decision Could Mean For the Singularity
From ACM Opinion

What the Baseball Hall of Fame Decision Could Mean For the Singularity

If you buy into Ray Kurzweil's vision of the Singularity, then the future is a marvelous place where we’re all physically and mentally enhanced and living longer...
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