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What the Baseball Hall of Fame Decision Could Mean For the Singularity
From ACM Opinion

What the Baseball Hall of Fame Decision Could Mean For the Singularity

If you buy into Ray Kurzweil's vision of the Singularity, then the future is a marvelous place where we’re all physically and mentally enhanced and living longer...

From ACM Opinion

Lessons from an Iranian War Game

Perhaps it was the "fog of simulation." But the scariest aspect of a U.S.-Iran war game staged this week was the way each side miscalculated the other’s responses—and...

From ACM Opinion

Technology Can Be Harnessed to Fight Drug Cartels in Mexico

A couple of months ago we visited Juarez, Mexico, a city right across our border—yet so far away.

From ACM Opinion

Rethinking the Soul As the 'net Becomes More Lifelike

Does the Internet have a soul?

Dna: The Next Big Hacking Frontier
From ACM Careers

Dna: The Next Big Hacking Frontier

Imagine computer-designed viruses that cure disease, new bacteria capable of synthesizing an unlimited fuel supply, new organisms that wipe out entire populations...

From ACM Opinion


In his recent biography of Steve Jobs, author Walter Isaacson says the Apple visionary revealed to him that he had finally "cracked" the problem with TV and was...

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­.s. Cyber Approach 'too Predictable' For One Top General

The nation’s second-ranking military official said Thursday that the U.S. approach to protecting its computer systems was "too predictable" and failed to penalize...

From ACM Opinion

A Gold Standard in Cyber-Defense

The history of Internet security is both worrisome and instructive. When the first virus — the "Morris worm"—was launched in 1988, the Internet was a closed system...

Why I Don't Own a Kindle
From ACM Opinion

Why I Don't Own a Kindle

I've done my part to prop up the consumer-electronics industry in recent years: a flat-panel TV downstairs and one upstairs, his and hers smartphones, not-too...
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