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Don't Give Your Dot-org Domain Away to a Private Company
From ACM Opinion

Don't Give Your Dot-org Domain Away to a Private Company

One of the Internet's most trusted assets — the dot-org domain used by nonprofits from UNICEF to your local food bank — is being hijacked.

Is Julian Assange a Journalist, or Is He Just an Accused Thief?
From ACM Opinion

Is Julian Assange a Journalist, or Is He Just an Accused Thief?

Is Julian Assange a journalist? The Justice Department sidestepped that question in its indictment of Assange.

­U.S. Allies Should Heed the Warnings about Huawei
From ACM Opinion

­U.S. Allies Should Heed the Warnings about Huawei

In a recent newspaper advertisement, the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei appealed to common sense.

The New Censors Won't Delete Your Words; They'll Drown Them Out
From ACM Opinion

The New Censors Won't Delete Your Words; They'll Drown Them Out

Winston Smith works at the Ministry of Truth. Each day, the hero of George Orwell's "1984" "corrects" old newspapers to make sure that the information is in still...

A Reason to Despair About the Digital Future: Deepfakes
From ACM Opinion

A Reason to Despair About the Digital Future: Deepfakes

A despairing prediction for the digital future came from an unlikely source recently. Speaking of "deepfakes," or media manipulated through artificial intelligence...

How Russia ­sed the Internet to Perfect Its Dark Arts
From ACM Opinion

How Russia ­sed the Internet to Perfect Its Dark Arts

Imagine American politics for a moment as a laboratory experiment. A foreign adversary (let's call it "Russia") begins to play with the subjects, using carrots...

Your Smartphone Photos Are Totally Fake, and You Love It
From ACM Opinion

Your Smartphone Photos Are Totally Fake, and You Love It

The little camera on this phone has a superpower: It can see things our eyes cannot.

I Fell for Facebook Fake News. Here's Why Millions of You Did, Too.
From ACM Opinion

I Fell for Facebook Fake News. Here's Why Millions of You Did, Too.

The Facebook video is nuts, but I can't tear my eyes away. A plane, struggling in a huge storm, does a 360-degree flip before safely landing and letting out terrified...

Here's What We Know about Google's Mysterious Search Engine
From ACM News

Here's What We Know about Google's Mysterious Search Engine

President Trump thinks Google's search engine is "rigged." By featuring more mainstream news outlets and relatively fewer conservative sites in the results he sees...

Google's China Plan Isn't Just Evil, It's Bad for Business
From ACM Opinion

Google's China Plan Isn't Just Evil, It's Bad for Business

Google is proposing a new Faustian bargain with the Chinese government that isn't just morally wrong; it's also terrible for business. Experience has shown that...

The Supreme Court Just Struck a Blow Against Mass Surveillance
From ACM Opinion

The Supreme Court Just Struck a Blow Against Mass Surveillance

The Supreme Court decided Friday that cell-site location information is protected by the Fourth Amendment's guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures...

Someone Is Watching You
From ACM Opinion

Someone Is Watching You

Isn't technology wonderful? At Purdue University, the same IT infrastructure that enables us to manage student assignments and grades, operate residential and dining...

They Survived a School Shooting Only to Wage Battle in Some of the Nastiest Corners of the Internet
From ACM Opinion

They Survived a School Shooting Only to Wage Battle in Some of the Nastiest Corners of the Internet

In person, Sarah Chadwick and Jaclyn Corin are fierce. And young.

Don't Blame China, Mr. President. Blame the Robots.
From ACM Opinion

Don't Blame China, Mr. President. Blame the Robots.

Mr. President, if you're looking for someone to demonize for killing blue-collar jobs in your favorite industries, don't blame China and "bad trade deals." Blame...

We Ignore Iran at Our Peril
From ACM Opinion

We Ignore Iran at Our Peril

When it comes to cyberweapons, America is an elephant and Iran is a flea. Still, a flea can be a persistent nuisance, especially for the unprotected.

Apple Is Sharing Your Face with Apps. That's a New Privacy Worry.
From ACM Opinion

Apple Is Sharing Your Face with Apps. That's a New Privacy Worry.

Poop that mimics your facial expressions was just the beginning.

Russia Is Pushing to Control Cyberspace. We Should All Be Worried. 
From ACM Opinion

Russia Is Pushing to Control Cyberspace. We Should All Be Worried. 

Russia's cyber-meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election has been accompanied by what U.S. and European experts describe as a worrisome Kremlin campaign to...

Russia's Election Meddling Backfired—big-Time
From ACM Opinion

Russia's Election Meddling Backfired—big-Time

Intelligence officers sometimes talk about "blowback," when covert actions go bad and end up damaging the country that initiated them.

Apple Is Pulling Vpns from the Chinese App Store. Here's What that Means. 
From ACM Opinion

Apple Is Pulling Vpns from the Chinese App Store. Here's What that Means. 

China's restrictive Internet policies are known for blocking Web users who want to reach Google, Facebook or other banned apps. But now some of those policies are...

If You Could 'design' Your Own Child, Would You?
From ACM Opinion

If You Could 'design' Your Own Child, Would You?

Scientists in Portland, Ore., just succeeded in creating the first genetically modified human embryo in the United States, according to Technology Review.
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