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The Trouble With Online College
From ACM Opinion

The Trouble With Online College

Courses delivered solely online may be find for highly skilled, highly motivated people, but they are inappropriate for struggling students who make up a significant...

Many Hands Make Fractals Tactile
From ACM Opinion

Many Hands Make Fractals Tactile

Human beings are born with an innate capacity to learn languages. Yet while mathematics is the language of pattern and form, many people struggle to acquire even...

Opening the Doors to the Life of Pi
From ACM Opinion

Opening the Doors to the Life of Pi

For those of us who have been intoxicated by the powers and possibilities of mathematics, the mystery isn't why that fascination developed but why it isn't universal...

From ACM Opinion

How to ­se Technology to Make You Smarter

Can a calculator make you smarter?

Google's Little Nemo Tribute: Maybe The Best Google Doodle Ever
From ACM Opinion

Google's Little Nemo Tribute: Maybe The Best Google Doodle Ever

Winsor McCay (1869–1934) was one of the first important creators of both comic strips and animation, and a pretty fair political cartoonist to boot.

Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You
From ACM Careers

Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You

In the spring of 2004, during my senior year of college, I faced a hard decision about my future career.

Is Algebra Necessary?
From ACM Opinion

Is Algebra Necessary?

A typical American school day finds some six million high school students and two million college freshmen struggling with algebra.

The Trouble With Online Education
From ACM Opinion

The Trouble With Online Education

"Ah, you're a professor. You must learn so much from your students."

Can We Fix Computer Science Education in America?
From ACM Opinion

Can We Fix Computer Science Education in America?

The tech sector is set to grow faster than all but five industries by 2020. Out of those fields, half of which are related to healthcare, tech pays the best with...

God and Man in Tennessee
From ACM Opinion

God and Man in Tennessee

Earlier this month state senators in Tennessee approved an update to our sex-education law that would ban teachers from discussing hand-holding, which it categorizes...

From ACM Opinion

Research Bought, Then Paid For

Through the National Institutes of Health, American taxpayers have long supported research directed at understanding and treating human disease.

Welcome to the 'knowosphere'
From ACM Opinion

Welcome to the 'knowosphere'

Here's my take on what I've begun calling the "knowosphere"—a word intentionally echoing the more allegorical "noosphere," the "planet of the mind" of Vladimir....

From ACM Opinion

Why Books Are Better Than E-Books For Children

Do you read to your children from your iPad or other device, or encourage them to use an e-reader to read to you?

From ACM Opinion

The Last Person

There is a concept in telecommunications called "the last mile," that part of any phone system that is the most difficult to connect—the part that goes from the...

From ACM Opinion

The ­niversity of Wherever

For more than a decade educators have been expecting the Internet to transform that bastion of tradition and authority, the university. Digital utopians have...

From ACM Opinion

How to Fix Our Math Education

There is widespread alarm in the United States about the state of our math education. The anxiety can be traced to the poor performance of American students on...

From ACM Opinion

Education Needs a Digital-Age ­pgrade

If you have a child entering grade school this fall, file away just one number with all those back-to-school forms: 65 percent. Chances are just that good that...

From ACM Opinion

Teaching to the Text Message

I've been teaching college freshmen to write the five-paragraph essay and its bully of a cousin, the research paper, for years. But these forms invite font-size...

From ACM Opinion

The Lessons of 10 Years of Talking Tech

It’s a special week in America. All over the country, families are gathering in warmly lighted homes. They’re sitting down to fancy feasts at decorated tables...

The School of Hard Drives
From ACM Opinion

The School of Hard Drives

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan answers questions pertaining to education and technology.
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