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Running Out of Bandwidth

At a time of slow economic growth and declining competitiveness, wireless technology remains a shining example of innovation. In the last 10 years, wireless communications...

From ACM Opinion

Prospero's Tempestuous Family

Abdulfattah "John" Jandali is a casino manager outside Reno, so he knows about odds.

Miracle Pill or Cheap Gimmick?
From ACM Opinion

Miracle Pill or Cheap Gimmick?

Aakash, the world's cheapest tablet computer, has the potential of being a game-changer that empowers India's poor. But its introduction raises important questions...

From ACM Opinion

Internet Memes 101: A Guide to Online Wackiness

In the olden days, it was simple to keep up with pop culture. There were only three channels on TV, and everybody saw the same shows at the same time.

From ACM Opinion

How to Fix Our Math Education

There is widespread alarm in the United States about the state of our math education. The anxiety can be traced to the poor performance of American students on...

From ACM Opinion

Education Needs a Digital-Age ­pgrade

If you have a child entering grade school this fall, file away just one number with all those back-to-school forms: 65 percent. Chances are just that good that...

When Knowledge Isn
From ACM Opinion

When Knowledge Isn

“Making fun of Wikipedia is so 2007,” a French journalist said recently to Sue Gardner, the executive director of the foundation that runs the Wikipedia project...

Should the Government Need a Search Warrant to Track Your Car with Gps?
From ACM News

Should the Government Need a Search Warrant to Track Your Car with Gps?

The Supreme Court ended its term with a high-profile ruling that violent video games are protected by the First Amendment, but a bigger technology decision could...

From ACM Opinion

Free to Search and Seize

This spring was a rough season for the Fourth Amendment.

From ACM Opinion

When the Internet Thinks It Knows You

Once upon a time, the story goes, we lived in a broadcast society. In that dusty pre-Internet age, the tools for sharing information weren’t widely available....

There's No Data Sheriff on the Wild Web
From ACM Opinion

There's No Data Sheriff on the Wild Web

A company suffers a catastrophic attack on its servers. Gone are names, email addresses, home phone numbers, passwords, credit card numbers. Everything ends up...

The Persistence of Conspiracy Theories
From ACM Opinion

The Persistence of Conspiracy Theories

No sooner had President Obama released his long-form birth certificate than Orly Taitz, the doyenne of the "birther" movement, found reason to doubt it.

Your Iphone Is Tracking You. So What.
From ACM Opinion

Your Iphone Is Tracking You. So What.

Have you heard the news? Two researchers have discovered that the iPhone keeps a minute-by-minute, time-stamped log of everywhere you go. That’s right: Your phone...

Patently Obvious
From ACM Opinion

Patently Obvious

On Monday the Supreme Court will consider whether to fundamentally alter the way American patent law is litigated. Specifically, in the context of an otherwise...

From ACM Opinion

Teaching to the Text Message

I've been teaching college freshmen to write the five-paragraph essay and its bully of a cousin, the research paper, for years. But these forms invite font-size...

Another Win For Artificial Intelligence: The Turing Award
From ACM Opinion

Another Win For Artificial Intelligence: The Turing Award

It's been a banner year or so for artificial intelligence, from the recent triumph of I.B.M.'s Jeopardy-winning supercomputer to a wave of news coverage of the...

From ACM Opinion

Google Schools Its Algorithm

To humans, computer intelligence is a puzzle, as if the machines have split personalities. They can be so remarkably smart at times, yet so bafflingly dumb at...

From ACM Opinion

Have You Driven a Smartphone Lately?

I’m barreling along a rural Michigan highway at 75 miles per hour in a gray Ford Taurus X when I glance down to check a number on a screen.

From ACM Opinion

Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Linked

Our Father, who art in pixels, linked be Thy name, Thy Web site come, Thy Net be done, on Explorer as it is on Firefox.

From ACM Opinion

World Web War I: Why Egypt's Digital ­prising Is Different

We've seen cyberwar declared before, but the one playing out in Egypt is my own candidate for World Web War I.
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