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I Tweet, Therefore I Am
From ACM Opinion

I Tweet, Therefore I Am

On a recent lazy Saturday morning, my daughter and I lolled on a blanket in our front yard, snacking on apricots, listening to a download of E. B. White reading...

From ACM Opinion

The Google Algorithm

Google handles nearly two-thirds of Internet search queries worldwide. Analysts reckon that most Web sites rely on the search engine for half of their traffic....

The Medium Is the Medium
From ACM Opinion

The Medium Is the Medium

Recently, book publishers got some good news. Researchers gave 852 disadvantaged students 12 books (of their own choosing) to take home at the end of the school...

From ACM Opinion

Are Cells the New Cigarettes?

The great cosmic joke would be to find out definitively that the advances we thought were blessings--from the hormones women pump into their bodies all their lives...

In Defense of Computers and the Internet For Learning
From ACM Opinion

In Defense of Computers and the Internet For Learning

If you’re reading this blog post on a computer, mobile phone or e-reader, please stop what you’re doing immediately. You could be making yourself stupid. And whatever...

My (brief) Life as a Robot
From ACM Opinion

My (brief) Life as a Robot

On Wednesday I attended a Silicon Valley press conference dressed as a robot. Actually I was physically in New York City and virtually in Menlo Park, Calif. For...

From ACM Opinion

The Death of the Open Web

The Web is a teeming commercial city. It's haphazardly planned. Its public spaces are mobbed, and signs of urban decay abound in broken links and abandoned projects...

I Was Hacked in Beijing
From ACM Opinion

I Was Hacked in Beijing

The reality--and my fears--dawned only slowly. For weeks, friends and colleagues complained I had not answered their e-mail messages. I swore I had not received...

Rethinking a Gospel of the Web
From ACM Opinion

Rethinking a Gospel of the Web

For about a decade now, ever since it became clear that the jungle of the World Wide Web would triumph over the walled gardens of CompuServe, AOL and MSN, a general...

From ACM Opinion

Google Loss Won't Hamper Business Gains in China

When Google made its threat to pull out of China on January 12, it titled its online announcement "A new approach to China," indicating its high expectations for...

From ACM Opinion

Cisco's New Router: Trouble For Hollywood

Cisco's CRS-3 router made a bit of a splash when it was announced on March 9, but the power of this new device hasn't yet sunk in. Consider: The CRS-3, a network...

From ACM Opinion

Virtual Reality War

My battalion commander, Lt. Col. Michael Kurilla, gave the directive that my squad leaders, platoon sergeant, and myself had heard countless times: my platoon was...

From ACM Opinion

Why Google Wants a Faster Internet

There was no lack of, well, buzz about Google's new Buzz social-media platform last week, but more important were a series of moves that suggest the search giant...

Steve Jobs and the Economics of Elitism
From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs and the Economics of Elitism

The more, the better. That’s the fashionable recipe for nurturing new ideas these days. It emphasizes a kind of Internet-era egalitarianism that celebrates the...

The Madness of Crowds and an Internet Delusion
From ACM TechNews

The Madness of Crowds and an Internet Delusion

An early advocate of the Internet's culture of openness, computer scientist Jaron Lanier has written a new book in which he reconsiders that view and takes a more...

How the Aol-Time Warner Merger Went So Wrong
From ACM Opinion

How the Aol-Time Warner Merger Went So Wrong

A decade ago, America Online merged with Time Warner in a deal valued at a stunning $350 billion. It was then, and is now, the largest merger in American business...

Why Twitter Will Endure
From ACM Opinion

Why Twitter Will Endure

I can remember when I first thought seriously about Twitter. Last March, I was at the SXSW conference in Austin, Tex., where technology, media and music are mashed...

From ACM CareerNews

Government Should Help Widen Cyber Knowledge

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security should be doing more to recruit top cyber security talent and develop a highly skilled workforce of cyber security workers...

The 0s and 1s of Computer Warfare
From ACM Opinion

The 0s and 1s of Computer Warfare

We are already in the Brave New World of cyberwarfare. Cyberattacks have become a permanent fixture on the international scene because they have become easy and...

Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better
From ACM Opinion

Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better

For the last 15 years, Microsoft's master business plan seems to have been, "Wait until somebody else has a hit. Then copy it." The list of commercial hits/Microsoft...
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