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AI Is Not Going to Reinvent the Alphabet Anytime Soon
From ACM Opinion

AI Is Not Going to Reinvent the Alphabet Anytime Soon

Artificial intelligence does not understand how humans read well enough to design type on its own.

The Overlooked Upsides of Algorithms in the Workplace
From ACM Opinion

The Overlooked Upsides of Algorithms in the Workplace

Orly Lobel, a law professor at the University of San Diego, believes technology can make the world a better place — and she knows in 2022, that makes her a bit...

Virtual Reality Stinks Because It Does Not Smell
From ACM Opinion

Virtual Reality Stinks Because It Does Not Smell

For VR to feel truly immersive, it needs to start stinking it up.

Seriously, Stop Trying to Teach Toddlers How to Code
From ACM Opinion

Seriously, Stop Trying to Teach Toddlers How to Code

There are other, more important lessons to impart to your preschooler.

The Cyberwar Needs More Women on the Front Lines
From ACM Opinion

The Cyberwar Needs More Women on the Front Lines

Educating girls to be the cybersecurity leaders of tomorrow will help combat criminals who prey on women and children.

When School Is Online, the Digital Divide Grows Greater
From ACM Opinion

When School Is Online, the Digital Divide Grows Greater

Most U.S. schools are closed, with instruction shifting to the Internet. That's a problem for millions of people without reliable broadband, including 20 percent...

VR Could Be the Most Powerful Teaching Tool Since the PC
From ACM Opinion

VR Could Be the Most Powerful Teaching Tool Since the PC

Virtual reality is much more than a gaming technology. In fact, VR has the makings of a pedagogical silver bullet.

Digital Textbooks Are Forcing a Radical Shift in Higher Education
From ACM Opinion

Digital Textbooks Are Forcing a Radical Shift in Higher Education

The last several years have seen a shift in textbook policies at colleges and universities — one that has more recently turned tectonic.

What Trump's Executive Order on AI Is Missing
From ACM Opinion

What Trump's Executive Order on AI Is Missing

President Trump signed an executive order on February 11 meant to shore up our competitive position in the international race for AI supremacy, but it is short...

Trump's Plan to Keep America First in AI
From ACM Opinion

Trump's Plan to Keep America First in AI

The US leads the world in artificial intelligence technology. Decades of federal research funding, industrial and academic research, and streams of foreign talent...

The ­S Needs to Engage China on Tech, Or Risk Isolating Itself
From ACM Opinion

The ­S Needs to Engage China on Tech, Or Risk Isolating Itself

The contrast could hardly be more striking. In October, Vice President Mike Pence delivered a blistering speech accusing China of stealing prized US technology...

Brett Kavanaugh and the Information Terrorists Trying to Reshape America
From ACM Opinion

Brett Kavanaugh and the Information Terrorists Trying to Reshape America

Since the advent of Donald Trump's candidacy, there's been a ton of focus on botnets and sockpuppets—automated and semiautomated social media accounts that use...

Why Westerners Fear Robots and the Japanese Do Not
From ACM Opinion

Why Westerners Fear Robots and the Japanese Do Not

As a Japanese, I grew up watching anime like "Neon Genesis Evangelion," which depicts a future in which machines and humans merge into cyborg ecstasy.

Self-Driving Cars Likely Won't Steal Your Job (­ntil 2040)
From ACM Opinion

Self-Driving Cars Likely Won't Steal Your Job (­ntil 2040)

The self-driving robots are coming to transform your job. Kind of. Also, very slowly.

Chinese-American Elites Lament a Brewing Trade War
From ACM Opinion

Chinese-American Elites Lament a Brewing Trade War

It's not easy to promote closer US-China ties these days.

When John Doerr Brought a 'Gift' to Google's Founders
From ACM Opinion

When John Doerr Brought a 'Gift' to Google's Founders

On a fall day in 1999, in the heart of Silicon Valley, I arrived at a two-story, L-shaped structure off the 101 freeway. It was young Google's headquarters, and...

Med Students Are Getting Terrible Training in Robotic Surgery
From ACM Opinion

Med Students Are Getting Terrible Training in Robotic Surgery

If you think your on-the-job training was tough, imagine what life is like for newbie surgeons.

The Limits of Explainability
From ACM Opinion

The Limits of Explainability

When we look at a stack of blocks or a stack of Oreos, we intuitively have a sense of how stable it is, whether it might fall over, and in what direction it may...

Even Realistic Videogames Like Call of Duty Won't Help ­S Win Wars
From ACM Opinion

Even Realistic Videogames Like Call of Duty Won't Help ­S Win Wars

Millennials can now storm the beaches of Normandy and fight Nazis with a new level of realism.

Quantum Computing Is the Next Big Security Risk
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Computing Is the Next Big Security Risk

The 20th century gave birth to the Nuclear Age as the power of the atom was harnessed and unleashed.
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