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Unfair Automated Hiring Systems Are Everywhere
From ACM Careers

Unfair Automated Hiring Systems Are Everywhere

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission urgently needs to regulate automated hiring systems.

The Battle Over Women's Data
From ACM Opinion

The Battle Over Women's Data

In a post-Roe world, bodily autonomy must include control over personal data.

The Overlooked Upsides of Algorithms in the Workplace
From ACM Opinion

The Overlooked Upsides of Algorithms in the Workplace

Orly Lobel, a law professor at the University of San Diego, believes technology can make the world a better place — and she knows in 2022, that makes her a bit...

Meta's Message Encryption Was Built to Fail
From ACM Opinion

Meta's Message Encryption Was Built to Fail

Chat between a teen and her mom about an alleged abortion helped police build their case.

Tech Companies Are Not Ready for a Post-Roe Era
From ACM Opinion

Tech Companies Are Not Ready for a Post-Roe Era

The mortal threat to Roe was not taken seriously by many in corporate America, and that apathy will now come back to haunt them.

Europe Is in Danger of Using the Wrong Definition of AI
From ACM Opinion

Europe Is in Danger of Using the Wrong Definition of AI

Some intelligent systems are at risk of being excluded from oversight in the EU's proposed legislation

Web3 Threatens to Segregate Our Online Lives
From ACM Opinion

Web3 Threatens to Segregate Our Online Lives

Governance tokens may seem like a way to moderate content, but they only give the appearance of democracy.

The Facebook Whistleblower Won't Change Anything
From ACM Opinion

The Facebook Whistleblower Won't Change Anything

Whistleblowing keeps the limelight on one person instead of the movements already doing the work.

Facebook Uses Deceptive Math to Hide Its Hate Speech Problem
From ACM Opinion

Facebook Uses Deceptive Math to Hide Its Hate Speech Problem

The company claims its AI is amazing at removing harmful content, but internal documents suggest the algorithm is ineffective

Americans Need a Bill of Rights for an AI-Powered World
From ACM Opinion

Americans Need a Bill of Rights for an AI-Powered World

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is developing principles to guard against powerful technologies—with input from the public

The Privacy Battle that Apple Isn't Fighting
From ACM Opinion

The Privacy Battle that Apple Isn't Fighting

California has begun enforcing a browser-level privacy setting, but you still can't find that option in Safari or iOS

Biden's 'Antitrust Revolution' Overlooks AI—at Americans' Peril
From ACM Opinion

Biden's 'Antitrust Revolution' Overlooks AI—at Americans' Peril

A handful of companies have outsize influence on the world's AI. Policymakers must act now to stem the rise of powerful monopolies.

Section 230 Is a Government License to Build Rage Machines
From ACM Opinion

Section 230 Is a Government License to Build Rage Machines

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act serves as Facebook and Google's get-out-of-jail-free card for conspiracies and disinformation.

The Cyberwar Needs More Women on the Front Lines
From ACM Opinion

The Cyberwar Needs More Women on the Front Lines

Educating girls to be the cybersecurity leaders of tomorrow will help combat criminals who prey on women and children.

Why Is Facebook So Afraid of Checking Facts?
From ACM Opinion

Why Is Facebook So Afraid of Checking Facts?

The biggest social network in the world has the wrong idea for how to fight Covid-19 conspiracies.

We Need to Talk About 'Cloud Neutrality'
From ACM Opinion

We Need to Talk About 'Cloud Neutrality'

Given how critical the cloud has become for a huge swath of the tech economy, maybe we should ask ourselves whether this infrastructure should be in the hands of...

Trolling Is Now Mainstream Political Discourse
From ACM Opinion

Trolling Is Now Mainstream Political Discourse

We are heading down the dystopian path. Trolling has become a mainstream form, if not the mainstream form of political discourse.

Why American Workers Need to Be Protected From Automation
From ACM Opinion

Why American Workers Need to Be Protected From Automation

Bill de Blasio, New York City mayor and a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, says that as president he would issue a robot tax for corporations...

Wouldn't It Be Great If People Could Vote on the Blockchain?
From ACM Opinion

Wouldn't It Be Great If People Could Vote on the Blockchain?

Mobile voting could increase voter participation, but it's plagued by security issues in search of a solution.

Shoot-'Em-Up Videogames Don't Warp Minds – Big Tech Does
From ACM Opinion

Shoot-'Em-Up Videogames Don't Warp Minds – Big Tech Does

It takes a lot of effort, research, and efficiency to manipulate people online and influence their behavior in the real world. Silicon Valley has it down to a science...
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