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At Sxsw, the Next Big Thing May Be No Thing at All
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At Sxsw, the Next Big Thing May Be No Thing at All

Every year, just before South by Southwest Interactive starts, the froth starts churning. Everybody begins wondering what this year’s breakout hit app will be.

Why Copyrighted Coffee May Cripple the Internet of Things
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Why Copyrighted Coffee May Cripple the Internet of Things

With its single-serving coffee pods, Green Mountain Coffee has transformed the business of brew.

This Ingenious Touchscreen ­i Should Be in Every Car
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This Ingenious Touchscreen ­i Should Be in Every Car

There may be no greater design crime today than putting a touchscreen in an automobile.

Jawbone Is Now the Startup Apple Should Fear Most
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Jawbone Is Now the Startup Apple Should Fear Most

Jawbone is ascending into the top echelon of tech startups, joining the likes of Uber, Dropbox, and Square.

The Strange, Deadly Effects Mars Would Have on Your Body
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The Strange, Deadly Effects Mars Would Have on Your Body

We've imagined sending people to Mars since well before Gagarin's first spaceflight.

Why Startups Should Steal Ideas and Hire Weirdos
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Why Startups Should Steal Ideas and Hire Weirdos

The most consistently creative and insightful people are explorers.

How to Create the Perfect Online Dating Profile, in 25 Infographics
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How to Create the Perfect Online Dating Profile, in 25 Infographics

Every day, millions of singles crawl dating sites and apps, flipping through photos and profiles of potential matches.

Judges Poised to Hand ­.s. Spies the Keys to the Internet
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Judges Poised to Hand ­.s. Spies the Keys to the Internet

How does the NSA get the private crypto keys that allow it to bulk eavesdrop on some email providers and social networking sites?

I Spent Two Hours Talking With the Nsa's Bigwigs. Here's What Has Them Mad
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I Spent Two Hours Talking With the Nsa's Bigwigs. Here's What Has Them Mad

My expectations were low when I asked the National Security Agency to cooperate with my story on the impact of Edward Snowden’s leaks on the tech industry.

The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure—and Often ­npatchable
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The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure—and Often ­npatchable

We're at a crisis point now with regard to the security of embedded systems, where computing is embedded into the hardware itself—as with the Internet of Things...

I, Glasshole: My Year With Google Glass
From ACM Opinion

I, Glasshole: My Year With Google Glass

An anecdote: I wanted to wear Google Glass during the birth of our second child.

Why We Can't Let American Tech Take Over the World
From ACM Opinion

Why We Can't Let American Tech Take Over the World

Whenever an app, a website, or a physical product like a gaming console is exported, it ships with a side of cultural influence.

Falling in Love with AI Virtual Assistants: A Creepy Love Affair Nearer Than You Think
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Falling in Love with AI Virtual Assistants: A Creepy Love Affair Nearer Than You Think

"I've never loved anyone the way I've loved you," swoons Joaquin Phoenix, in the movie Her.

Answers to All the Tech Questions Your Family Will Ask You This Holiday
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Answers to All the Tech Questions Your Family Will Ask You This Holiday

Maybe it's your mom and/or dad. Maybe it's a sibling or a grandparent. Or maybe it's just that one friend who still uses a Motorola Razr from the early 2000s.

Software Is Reorganizing the World
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Software Is Reorganizing the World

For the first time in memory, adults in the United States under age forty are now expected to be poorer than their parents.

Our Government Has Weaponized the Internet. Here's How They Did It
From ACM Opinion

Our Government Has Weaponized the Internet. Here's How They Did It

The internet backbone—the infrastructure of networks upon which internet traffic travels—went from being a passive infrastructure for communication to an active...

Should Tech Designers Go With Their Guts—or the Data?
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Should Tech Designers Go With Their Guts—or the Data?

For many tech companies, design is no longer subjective.

How Steve Jobs Made the Ipad Succeed When All Other Tablets Failed
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How Steve Jobs Made the Ipad Succeed When All Other Tablets Failed

Steve Jobs's solution to Google's Android-everywhere strategy was simple and audacious: he unveiled the iPad.

How to Design—and Defend Against—the Perfect Security Backdoor
From ACM Opinion

How to Design—and Defend Against—the Perfect Security Backdoor

We already know the NSA wants to eavesdrop on the Internet. 

Want to Evade Nsa Spying? Don't Connect to the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Want to Evade Nsa Spying? Don't Connect to the Internet

Since I started working with Snowden’s documents, I have been using a number of tools to try to stay secure from the NSA.
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