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Why You Should Never, Ever Use Two Spaces After a Period
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Never, Ever Use Two Spaces After a Period

Can I let you in on a secret? Typing two spaces after a period is totally, completely, utterly, and inarguably wrong. And yet people who use two spaces are everywhere...

What Does Jobs' Absence Mean For the Future of Apple?
From ACM Opinion

What Does Jobs' Absence Mean For the Future of Apple?

With Steve Jobs' third medical-related absence in six years, Silicon Valley must again confront one of its great mysteries: How much does Jobs matter to Apple?

From ACM News

Nsa's Home Base May Have Crappiest Web Site Ever

Through the gates of Fort George Meade pass the most powerful technical minds that the government employs. But Fort Meade's website contains pixelized, faux-shaded...

Success of Verizon's Iphone Will Depend on Cdma Network Performance
From ACM Opinion

Success of Verizon's Iphone Will Depend on Cdma Network Performance

Professor P.K. Kannan at the University of Maryland, says the success of the iPhone 4 released by Verizon boils down to one word: "performance.  That is, the performance...

The Case Against the Consumer Electronics Show
From ACM Opinion

The Case Against the Consumer Electronics Show

A year ago, Steve Ballmer took the stage of the Consumer Electronics Show to tout a technology that he promised would change the world: the Windows operating...

Don't Track Me, Bro
From ACM Opinion

Don't Track Me, Bro

Here is how Jon Leibowitz, chairman of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, describes the current state of affairs on the Internet: "Say I’m walking through a mall...

From Communications of the ACM

The Ephemeral Legion: Producing an Expert Cyber-Security Work Force from Thin Air

Seeking to improve the educational mechanisms for efficiently training large numbers of information security workers.

Cloud Computing Privacy Concerns on Our Doorstep
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Computing Privacy Concerns on Our Doorstep

Privacy and confidentiality issues in cloud-based conference management systems reflect more universal themes.

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle
From Communications of the ACM

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle

A look in the rearview mirror reveals system and process blind spots.

Google AdWords and European Trademark Law
From Communications of the ACM

Google AdWords and European Trademark Law

Is Google violating trademark law by operating its AdWords system?

Don't Bring Me a Good Idea
From Communications of the ACM

Don't Bring Me a Good Idea

You want to know how to get my attention?" Jason Kalich asked the audience rhetorically. "First off, don't bring me a good...

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy
From ACM Opinion

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy

"I'm aware of your need to stay anonymous, but I have to be able to describe the scope of this movement. Can any of you tell me where you're typing from?"

From ACM Opinion

Why Wikileaks Is Good For America

A truly free press—one unfettered by concerns of nationalism—is apparently a terrifying problem for elected governments and tyrannies alike.

­.s. Chip Manufacturing in the Age of the Ipad
From ACM News

­.s. Chip Manufacturing in the Age of the Ipad

Behind the fly-off-the-shelf popularity of products like Apple's iPad and iPhone are hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs—mostly overseas. Is it possible...

Primal Rage: A Conversation with John Carmack, and a Look at Id's Latest
From ACM Opinion

Primal Rage: A Conversation with John Carmack, and a Look at Id's Latest

If there were a Mt. Rushmore of computer gaming, John Carmack's head would not only be on it, it would have the highest polygon count.

Where Anonymity Breeds Contempt
From ACM News

Where Anonymity Breeds Contempt

There you are, peacefully reading an article or watching a video on the Internet. You finish, find it thought-provoking, and scroll down to the comments section...

We Need a Research Data Census
From Communications of the ACM

We Need a Research Data Census

The increasing volume of research data highlights the need for reliable, cost-effective data storage and preservation at the national scale.

The Long Quest For -Universal Information Access
From Communications of the ACM

The Long Quest For -Universal Information Access

Digital object repositories are on the cusp of resolving the long-standing problem of universal information access in the Internet.

The Role of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Contributing to an Educated Work Force
From Communications of the ACM

The Role of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Contributing to an Educated Work Force

In order to thrive and even survive in the worldwide marketplace of ideas and innovation, the U.S. must aggressively...

IBM's Single-Processor Supercomputer Efforts
From Communications of the ACM

IBM's Single-Processor Supercomputer Efforts

Imagine a CPU designed to issue and execute up to seven instructions per clock cycle, with a clock rate 10 times faster than the reigning supercomputer. This is...
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