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Moral Machines
From ACM Opinion

Moral Machines

Google's driver-less cars are already street-legal in three states, California, Florida, and Nevada, and some day similar devices may not just be possible but mandatory...

­.s. Science Could Face Fiscal Cliff Doom
From ACM Opinion

­.s. Science Could Face Fiscal Cliff Doom

Scientific R&D stands to lose 31,000 jobs and face a starvation diet of reduced funding if politicians fail to halt march towards the fiscal cliff's sequestration...

From ACM Opinion

Clear Need to Define Cyberweapons and Cyberwar

The term cyberwar has become a catch-all used by politicians, talking heads and others to encompass just about any online threat, regardless of the attacker or...

China's Innovation Success Depends on Political Changes
From ACM Opinion

China's Innovation Success Depends on Political Changes

Since 1978, the Chinese economy has seen phenomenal growth. While that’s not in dispute, the reason why China has managed to grow so fast and whether it can maintain...

This Is Your Brain on Neural Implants
From ACM Opinion

This Is Your Brain on Neural Implants

You are in the future with technologies more advanced than today's.

From ACM Opinion

Was Petraeus Borked?

In 1987, when Judge Robert Bork was enmeshed in a partisan struggle over his Supreme Court nomination, a reporter for an alternative weekly in Washington, D.C.,...

The Greatest Bond Villain of All: Technology
From ACM Opinion

The Greatest Bond Villain of All: Technology

Tech has always played a prominent role in the Bond franchise; it's a key element of the plot formula: Bond opens with a chase scene, the core mission is revealed...

From ACM Opinion

A Sample Security Agenda For Obama's Second Term

When Barack Obama was sworn in four years ago for his first term, there was genuine optimism that he would make meaningful improvements to the security of the nation's...

Inside the Secret World of the Data Crunchers Who Helped Obama Win
From ACM Opinion

Inside the Secret World of the Data Crunchers Who Helped Obama Win

In late spring, the backroom number crunchers who powered Barack Obama's campaign to victory noticed that George Clooney had an almost gravitational tug on West...

Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever
From ACM Opinion

Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever

Congratulations, Barack Obama: You have prevailed in the nerdiest election in the history of the American Republic.

The Most Important Education Technology in 200 Years
From ACM Opinion

The Most Important Education Technology in 200 Years

If you were asked to name the most important innovation in transportation over the last 200 years, you might say the combustion engine, air travel, Henry Ford’s...

What Tumblr Can Tell ­S About the Future of Media
From ACM Opinion

What Tumblr Can Tell ­S About the Future of Media

If there was any doubt left that Tumblr is trying to become more of a mainstream media entity, albeit with its own odd twist, it was removed recently when the service...

From ACM Opinion

Science Is the Key to Growth

Mitt Romney said in all three presidential debates that we need to expand the economy. But he left out a critical ingredient: investments in science and technology...

Is Failure to Predict a Crime?
From ACM Opinion

Is Failure to Predict a Crime?

I learned with disbelief last Monday about the decision of an Italian judge to convict seven scientific experts of manslaughter and to sentence them to six years...

Does a Public "find My Iphone" Search Violate Personal Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Does a Public "find My Iphone" Search Violate Personal Privacy?

A guy stole my iPhone. I tracked it and posted his address online. Was that wrong?

The Consequences of Machine Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

The Consequences of Machine Intelligence

The question of what happens when machines get to be as intelligent as and even more intelligent than people seems to occupy many science-fiction writers.

Rapture of the Nerds: Will the Singularity Turn ­S Into Gods or End the Human Race?
From ACM Opinion

Rapture of the Nerds: Will the Singularity Turn ­S Into Gods or End the Human Race?

Hundreds of the world’s brightest minds—engineers from Google and IBM, hedge funds quants, and Defense Department contractors building artificial intelligence—were...

The Michigan Fight Song and Four Other Reasons to Avoid Internet Voting
From ACM Opinion

The Michigan Fight Song and Four Other Reasons to Avoid Internet Voting

In a Monday article, we described the security and reliability problems that have undermined public confidence in electronic voting machines within the United States...

Can We Trust Voting Machines?
From ACM Opinion

Can We Trust Voting Machines?

Last week, a congressional report claimed that using Chinese telecommunications companies’ goods and services in the United States could threaten national security...

Intel Strives to Develop Tiny Chips to Run Wearable Computers
From ACM TechNews

Intel Strives to Develop Tiny Chips to Run Wearable Computers

Intel researchers are developing tiny microprocessors that would power wearable computers. 
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