Complementary objectives competing for the same resources.
Igor Linkov, Alexandre Ligo, Kelsey Stoddard, Beatrice Perez, Andrew Strelzoffx, Emanuele Bellini, Alexander Kott From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2023
Gaps facing the industry as quantum safe algorithms move closer to standardization.
David Ott, Kenny Paterson, Dennis Moreau From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2023
Considering the promises and perils of contracting for the use of artificial intelligence tools and data.
Mari Sako From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2023
Attempting to balance sometimes-conflicting interests.
Henrik Skaug Sætra, Mark Coeckelbergh, John Danaher From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2023
The end of classical computer science is coming, and most of us are dinosaurs waiting for the meteor to hit.
Matt Welsh From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2023