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Blockchain ≠ Bitcoin
From ACM Opinion

Blockchain ≠ Bitcoin

Bitcoin ≠ blockchain. Blockchain ≠ bitcoin. This message bears repeating: You can be pro-blockchain and anti-bitcoin.

What Reality Tv Teaches ­S About Russia's Influence Campaign
From ACM Opinion

What Reality Tv Teaches ­S About Russia's Influence Campaign

In May 2016, a Facebook page called Heart of Texas urged its nearly 254,000 followers to rise up against what it considered to be an urgent cultural menace.

Ditch All Those Other Messaging Apps: Here's Why You Should ­se Signal
From ACM Opinion

Ditch All Those Other Messaging Apps: Here's Why You Should ­se Signal

Stop me if you've heard this before.

Hacking the Vote: Threats Keep Changing, but Election It Sadly Stays the Same
From ACM Opinion

Hacking the Vote: Threats Keep Changing, but Election It Sadly Stays the Same

The outcome of the 2016 presidential election is history. But allegations of voter fraud, election interference by foreign governments, and intrusions into state...

Should Children Form Emotional Bonds with Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Should Children Form Emotional Bonds with Robots?

When i brought the robot home from the Apple Store, I knew I was inviting a new kind of strangeness into our lives.

Is Technology About to Decimate White-Collar Work?
From ACM Careers

Is Technology About to Decimate White-Collar Work?

Kai-Fu Lee, one of China's best-known technologists and investors, thinks artificial intelligence is about to supplant many millions of the country's office workers...

Do We Need Brain Implants to Keep ­p with Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Do We Need Brain Implants to Keep ­p with Robots?

Pundits have been fretting a lot lately about robots leaving humans behind, taking our jobs and possibly a lot more, as in The Matrix and Terminator films.

Net States Rule the World; We Need to Recognize Their Power
From ACM Opinion

Net States Rule the World; We Need to Recognize Their Power

"We reject: kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code." So declared MIT professor David D. Clark in 1992.

Citation Is Not the Only Impact
From ACM Opinion

Citation Is Not the Only Impact

What makes good science? And how do Nature's editors select papers to publish?

The Physics of Time Travel Isn't Just the Stuff of Science Fiction
From ACM Opinion

The Physics of Time Travel Isn't Just the Stuff of Science Fiction

We're all time travelers nowadays. We project ourselves mentally into the misty past and the risky future.

Learning to Spot Fake News: Start with a Gut Check
From ACM Opinion

Learning to Spot Fake News: Start with a Gut Check

Which of these statements seems more trustworthy to you?

Behold, the World's Most Famous teapot
From ACM Opinion

Behold, the World's Most Famous teapot

Martin Newell was worried about his Ph.D. research as he sat down to tea with his wife one day in 1974.

The End of an Era Came Long Before the End of Cassini
From ACM Opinion

The End of an Era Came Long Before the End of Cassini

I have now been writing about science for nearly a dozen years, which means my career more or less overlaps with that of the Cassini probe.

Google's 'quantum Supremacy' Moment May Not Mean What You Think
From ACM Opinion

Google's 'quantum Supremacy' Moment May Not Mean What You Think

Any day now, Google is expected to achieve quantum supremacy—the use of a quantum computer to solve a problem that even the most advanced supercomputer can't unravel...

Fiction That Gets AI Right
From ACM Opinion

Fiction That Gets AI Right

Even the most futuristic applications of AI, from robotic servants to instant health scans, somehow already seem familiar because they have been endless fodder...

There's No Good Decision in the Next Big Data Privacy Case
From ACM Opinion

There's No Good Decision in the Next Big Data Privacy Case

In 2013, United States agents served a warrant on Microsoft seeking the emails of a suspect in a drug case.

Driverless Cars Made Me Nervous. Then I Tried One.
From ACM Opinion

Driverless Cars Made Me Nervous. Then I Tried One.

On my fourth day in a semi-driverless car, I finally felt comfortable enough to let it stop itself.

Computing and the Fermi Paradox: A New Idea Emerges--The Aliens Are All Asleep
From ACM Opinion

Computing and the Fermi Paradox: A New Idea Emerges--The Aliens Are All Asleep

Anders Sandberg and Stuart Armstrong of the University of Oxford's Future of Humanity Institute, working with Milan Ćirković of the University of Novi Sad in Serbia...

The Supreme Court Is Allergic to Math
From ACM Opinion

The Supreme Court Is Allergic to Math

The Supreme Court does not compute. Or at least some of its members would rather not. The justices, the most powerful jurists in the land, seem to have a reluctance—even...

Will AI and Blockchain Be Game-Changers?
From ACM Opinion

Will AI and Blockchain Be Game-Changers?

This week saw another major achievement by Google's Deep Mind, when it showed that a neural network could learn to play Go in just three days, without even looking...
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