Improving learning and achievement in introductory computer science by incorporating creative thinking into the curriculum.Leen-Kiat Soh, Duane F. Shell, Elizabeth Ingraham, Stephen Ramsay, Brian Moore From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2015
Two studies provide insights into how to increase the number of domestic doctoral students in U.S. computer science programs.
Susanne Hambrusch, Ran Libeskind-Hadas, Eric Aaron From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2015
Seeking a better approach to pharmaceutical research and development.Henry Chesbrough, Marshall Van Alstyne From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2015
Designers and developers of healthcare information technologies must address preexisting security vulnerabilities and undiagnosed future threats.David Kotz, Kevin Fu, Carl Gunter, Avi Rubin From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2015
I look at apps like Grindr and Tinder and see how they’ve rewritten sex culture—by creating a sexual landscape filled with vast amounts of incredibly graphic site...The Financial Times Magazine From ACM Opinion | July 22, 2015
I am worried we are talking past each other with respect to "Going Dark," so let me try to frame it in a way that I hope is fair-minded and provides a basis for...Lawfareblog From ACM Opinion | July 8, 2015
How government service can profoundly influence computer science research and education.Vijay Kumar, Thomas A. Kalil From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2015
An exploration of the education-to-work pipeline.
Juan E. Gilbert, Jerlando F. L. Jackson, Edward C. Dillon, LaVar J. Charleston From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2015
Reflecting on the complexities associated with maintaining rapidly changing information technology.David Anderson From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2015
One of my great pleasures in life is attending conferences on fields I'm intrigued by, but know nothing about.The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | June 18, 2015