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How MIT Gave 'ghostbusters' Its 'geek Cred'
From ACM Opinion

How MIT Gave 'ghostbusters' Its 'geek Cred'

The energetic researchers who grounded the new "Ghostbusters" in hard science—giving it "geek cred"—are using a flurry of media attention to alter public perceptions...

Turkish Coup Plotters' Cyber Fail: Not Turning Off Internet
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Turkish Coup Plotters' Cyber Fail: Not Turning Off Internet

A failed coup attempt in Turkey, which began during the evening of July 15, was apparently coordinated using the WhatsApp mobile messaging service, according to...

The Return of Arthur C. Clarke's Fantastic Vision of Jupiter
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The Return of Arthur C. Clarke's Fantastic Vision of Jupiter

The Juno space probe is now in orbit around Jupiter, meaning space buffs around the world are eagerly awaiting whatever new data the probe sends back.

Cozmo Is an Artificially Intelligent Toy Truck That's Also the Future of Robotics
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Cozmo Is an Artificially Intelligent Toy Truck That's Also the Future of Robotics

Hanns Tappeiner types a few lines of code into his laptop and hits "return."

Women in Big Data: Does Gender Matter?
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Women in Big Data: Does Gender Matter?

Is it such a bad thing that women are underrepresented in tech and big data?

Nasa's Bold Bet on Juno Will Pay Off. Stay Tuned.
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Nasa's Bold Bet on Juno Will Pay Off. Stay Tuned.

Memory-foam mattresses. The breathing devices firefighters wear. And infrared ear thermometers that give near-instant readings.

Lessons From the Tesla Crash
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Lessons From the Tesla Crash

A recent fatal crash in Florida involving a Tesla Model S is an example of how a new technology designed to make cars safer could, in some cases, make them more...

Stuxnet the Movie: The ­.s. Has Pwned Iran
From ACM Opinion

Stuxnet the Movie: The ­.s. Has Pwned Iran

The new documentary about Stuxnet, 'Zero Days,' says the U.S. had a far larger cyber operation against Iran called Nitro Zeus that has compromised the country's...

Why a Killer Robot Was Likely the Only Option For Dallas Police
From ACM Opinion

Why a Killer Robot Was Likely the Only Option For Dallas Police

When a police robot killed suspect Micah Johnson in Dallas early Friday morning, it was likely an unprecedented event.

Validate Personal Air-Pollution Sensors
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Validate Personal Air-Pollution Sensors

The public is increasingly aware of the health and economic costs of air pollution.

If To Err Is Human, Should Technology Help ­s Shed Some Humanity?
From ACM Opinion

If To Err Is Human, Should Technology Help ­s Shed Some Humanity?

By all accounts, technology has made us safer.

Waiting For Gödel
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Waiting For Gödel

In June of 1975, the Office of the White House Press Secretary announced President Gerald R. Ford’s picks for the National Medal of Science. One went to the Austrian...

How the Computer Beat the Go Player
From ACM Opinion

How the Computer Beat the Go Player

The victory in March of the computer program AlphaGo over one of the world's top handful of go players marks the highest accomplishment to date for the burgeoning...

How Alan Turing Found Machine Thinking in the Human Mind
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How Alan Turing Found Machine Thinking in the Human Mind

In 1935, Alan Turing set out to build a reputation by outflanking the world's leading mathematician.

How to Stop Robocalls … or at Least Fight Back
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How to Stop Robocalls … or at Least Fight Back

"This is a final notice from the IRS."

How Risky Are the World Economic Forum's Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2016?
From ACM Opinion

How Risky Are the World Economic Forum's Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2016?

Take an advanced technology. Add a twist of fantasy. Stir well, and watch the action unfold.

Big Data Analytics and Revision of the Common Rule
From Communications of the ACM

Big Data Analytics and Revision of the Common Rule

Reconsidering traditional research ethics given the emergence of big data analytics.

How Charles Bachman Invented the DBMS, a Foundation of Our Digital World
From Communications of the ACM

How Charles Bachman Invented the DBMS, a Foundation of Our Digital World

His 1963 Integrated Data Store set the template for all subsequent database management systems.

<i>Apple v. Samsung</i> and the Upcoming Design Patent Wars?
From Communications of the ACM

Apple v. Samsung and the Upcoming Design Patent Wars?

Assessing an important recent design patent infringement court decision.

After Orlando, the Homemade Ar-15 Industry Surges
From ACM Opinion

After Orlando, the Homemade Ar-15 Industry Surges

In the wake of the worst mass shooting in US history, many Americans want to ban civilians from buying the AR-15, that ultra-popular, all-American killing tool.
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