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Glass, Darkly
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Glass, Darkly

Google Glass shares much of its electronics and software with the smartphone, but it's a very different machine.

Let the Nsa Keep Hold of the Data
From ACM Opinion

Let the Nsa Keep Hold of the Data

One of the recommendations by the president's Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies on reforming the National Security Agency—No. 5, if you're...

Is the ­niverse a Simulation?
From ACM Opinion

Is the ­niverse a Simulation?

In Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita," the protagonist, a writer, burns a manuscript in a moment of despair, only to find out later from the Devil...

Last Call For Bad Calls
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Last Call For Bad Calls

Technology will soon make officials at high-level sports events as obsolete as elevator operators, their skill set as useful as knowing how to make a wood tennis...

Jawbone Is Now the Startup Apple Should Fear Most
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Jawbone Is Now the Startup Apple Should Fear Most

Jawbone is ascending into the top echelon of tech startups, joining the likes of Uber, Dropbox, and Square.

Everything We Know About How the Nsa Tracks People's Physical Location
From ACM News

Everything We Know About How the Nsa Tracks People's Physical Location

Glenn Greenwald is back reporting about the NSA, now with Pierre Omidyar's news organization FirstLook and its introductory publication, The Intercept.

Baxter and the Second Machine Age
From ACM News

Baxter and the Second Machine Age

The Industrial Revolution of the 18th century is not just the story of steam power, but steam started it all.

The Strange, Deadly Effects Mars Would Have on Your Body
From ACM Opinion

The Strange, Deadly Effects Mars Would Have on Your Body

We've imagined sending people to Mars since well before Gagarin's first spaceflight.

From Windows to the Xbox: Bill Gates' 'pioneering' Impact
From ACM Opinion

From Windows to the Xbox: Bill Gates' 'pioneering' Impact

To ask what impact Bill Gates has had on computing is, in a way, too small a question.

What Is Nasa For?
From ACM Opinion

What Is Nasa For?

What the heck is NASA for? It's like asking what a panda is for.

A Creator of Skynet Ponders Google
From ACM Opinion

A Creator of Skynet Ponders Google

After an eight-year detour in which he served as governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger has returned to his true calling as a cyborg assassin.

The Case of the Hacked Refrigerator—could 'the Internet of Things' Connect Everything?
From ACM Opinion

The Case of the Hacked Refrigerator—could 'the Internet of Things' Connect Everything?

Somebody hacked a refrigerator recently, and it could mark a tipping point for civilization.

Why Google Kept Motorola's Research Lab
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Kept Motorola's Research Lab

Google's $2.9 billion sale of Motorola Mobility to Chinese PC maker Lenovo might seem like lousy business, given Google's $12.5 billion purchase in 2012 and losses...

Microsoft Ceo Nadella's Top Challenge: Figuring Out Mobile
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft Ceo Nadella's Top Challenge: Figuring Out Mobile

Microsoft stands at a crossroads when it comes to mobile.

Judges Poised to Hand ­.s. Spies the Keys to the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Judges Poised to Hand ­.s. Spies the Keys to the Internet

How does the NSA get the private crypto keys that allow it to bulk eavesdrop on some email providers and social networking sites?

Through a Face Scanner Darkly
From ACM Opinion

Through a Face Scanner Darkly

Anonymity forms a protective casing.

The Lost Ancestors of Ascii Art
From ACM Opinion

The Lost Ancestors of Ascii Art

ASCII art is as much a part of the Internet as emoticons, cats, or lol.

When Big Data Marketing Becomes Stalking
From ACM Opinion

When Big Data Marketing Becomes Stalking

Many of us now expect our online activities to be recorded and analyzed, but we assume the physical spaces we inhabit are different.

Here's Why Tech Companies' Nsa 'transparency Reports' Are Mostly a Pr Stunt
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Tech Companies' Nsa 'transparency Reports' Are Mostly a Pr Stunt

Technology companies will soon be able to disclose more details about the number of national security orders and requests they receive, according to a joint statement...

Virtual Worlds Are Real
From ACM Opinion

Virtual Worlds Are Real

Ever since virtual worlds and online games emerged in the mainstream consciousness around 2005, the media has insisted on framing them as escapist fantasies.
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