In 1970, Life magazine published an article about a Stanford University research project that had resulted in the construction of what it called the first-ever...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | October 2, 2015
I've been excited about the Array of Things—a network of beautifully designed sensors poised to capture and make public real-time, non-personal data about the livability...Medium Backchannel From ACM Opinion | September 30, 2015
There's something about the Red Planet—so close yet so far, inhospitable yet perhaps not totally uninhabitable—that keeps us dreaming about getting there one day...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 30, 2015
NASA scientists announced today the best evidence yet that Mars, once thought dry, sterile and dead, may yet have life in it: Liquid water still flows on at least...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | September 29, 2015
College students tell me they know how to look someone in the eye and type on their phones at the same time, their split attention undetected.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 29, 2015
The ability to adjust to various technical and business disruptions has been essential to IBM's success during the past century.Michael A. Cusumano From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2015
Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications.
Harold Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh, Matt Blaze, Whitfield "Whit" Diffie, John Gilmore, Matthew Green, Susan Landau, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller, Bruce Schneier, Michael A. Specter, Daniel J. Weitzner From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2015
Micha Benoliel grew up in France and launched his first technology startup there, but he never forgot the atmosphere of adventure and optimism in San Francisco,...The Associated Press From ACM Careers | September 22, 2015
Conservatives and liberals interminably debate the merits of "the free market" versus "the government."The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 21, 2015
I woke up on Saturday to a heartbreaking front-page article in the New York Times about a terminally ill young woman who chooses to freeze her brain.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | September 16, 2015