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The 3 Most-Important Things at Mobile World Congress
From ACM Opinion

The 3 Most-Important Things at Mobile World Congress

Gadget fans walked away this week from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the annual geek fest for connected devices, grumbling about a glaring lack of breakthrough...

The Art of Cyberwar
From ACM Opinion

The Art of Cyberwar

The New York Times’ front-page report last week that the Chinese army is hacking into America's most sensitive computer networks from a 12-story building outside...

The Next Frontier Is Inside Your Brain
From ACM Opinion

The Next Frontier Is Inside Your Brain

The Obama administration is planning a multiyear research effort to produce an "activity map" that would show in unprecedented detail the workings of the human,...

The Ar-15 Is More Than a Gun. It's a Gadget
From ACM Opinion

The Ar-15 Is More Than a Gun. It's a Gadget

I was shaking as I shouldered the rifle and peered through the scope at the small steel target 100 yards downrange.

What China's Hackers Get Wrong About Washington
From ACM Opinion

What China's Hackers Get Wrong About Washington

"Start asking security experts which powerful Washington institutions have been penetrated by Chinese cyberspies," report my colleagues Craig Timberg and Ellen...

Calling Out the Robocaller
From ACM Opinion

Calling Out the Robocaller

Last month, the Haggler was sitting at home when the phone rang.

How Secure Is the Papal Election?
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How Secure Is the Papal Election?

As the College of Cardinals prepares to elect a new pope, security people like me wonder about the process. How does it work, and just how hard would it be to hack...

The Definitive Story of Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Phone Phreaking
From ACM Opinion

The Definitive Story of Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Phone Phreaking

Like the flap of a butterfly's wings causing a hurricane half a world away, the ripples of unintended consequences from Ron Rosenbaum's "Secrets of the Little Blue...

With Playstation 4, Sony Aims For Return to Glory
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With Playstation 4, Sony Aims For Return to Glory

For the Sony Corporation, a tech industry also-ran, the moment of reckoning is here.

Windows 8: Design Over ­sability
From ACM Opinion

Windows 8: Design Over ­sability

Windows 8 is a computer science masterpiece trapped inside a user interface kerfuffle.

How Samsung Is Out-Innovating Apple
From ACM Opinion

How Samsung Is Out-Innovating Apple

There's no arguing that Apple set the standard for modern mobile devices with the iPhone and the iPad. It didn't take long after those two products launched for...

Why Mapping the Human Brain Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why Mapping the Human Brain Matters

It turns out that President Barack Obama’s head-scratching mention of a project to map the human brain in his most recent State of the Union speech was more than...

Sony's Playstation 4: Five Things We Want to Know
From ACM Opinion

Sony's Playstation 4: Five Things We Want to Know

New York, 6pm Wednesday, the next generation starts.

Why We Love Beautiful Things
From ACM Opinion

Why We Love Beautiful Things

Great design, the management expert Gary Hamel once said, is like Justice Potter Stewart's famous definition of pornography—you know it when you see it.

Want to See in the Dark? One Day They'll Have an App For That
From ACM Opinion

Want to See in the Dark? One Day They'll Have an App For That

The combination of man and machine has been so entrenched in our popular culture that for many, the idea that you could attach a sensor to a mouse brain which enables...

From ACM Opinion

View from Iran: World Needs Rules on Cyberattacks

The world needs a new international legal instrument on cyberspace, in light of the new waves of trans-border cyberattacks that have become a disturbing aspect...

Apple’s Next Innovation: TV
From ACM Opinion

Apple’s Next Innovation: TV

Steve Jobs couldn't hide his frustration. Asked at a technology conference in 2010 whether Apple might finally turn its attention to television, he launched into...

Letter 'to a Future Woman in Tech' Hopes For Long Ladies' Room Lines at Conferences
From ACM Careers

Letter 'to a Future Woman in Tech' Hopes For Long Ladies' Room Lines at Conferences

Stacey Mulcahy, who is currently a lead developer at the digital creative agency Big Spaceship, has been in the tech industry since 2001.

President Obama's Cybersecurity Executive Order Scores Much Better Than CISPA On Privacy
From ACM Opinion

President Obama's Cybersecurity Executive Order Scores Much Better Than CISPA On Privacy

With the reintroduction of the much-maligned Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act scheduled for the day after the State of the Union, the House of Representatives...

Stupid, Stupid xBox!!
From ACM Opinion

Stupid, Stupid xBox!!

I was a founder of the original xBox project at Microsoft and gave it its name.
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