If you play video games, then you've probably heard a lot about games like "Halo 4" and "Assassin's Creed III" and "Bordelands 2."NBC News From ACM Careers | January 8, 2013
When Steve Jobs died, there was a lot of talk about who would be the next Steve Jobs. But the truth is, rarely can one person reshape the future. And breakthroughs...NPR From ACM Careers | January 4, 2013
In nature,technology and art the most common form of regularity is repetition: a single element repeated many times, as on a tile floor. But another form is possible...The Wall Street Journal From ACM Opinion | January 4, 2013
The Raspberry Pi, the $35 credit card-size computer, has lived an interesting life despite being less than a year old.ArsTechnica From ACM Opinion | January 3, 2013
When you think of social media these days, you probably think primarily of Facebook and Twitter, and perhaps Instagram. But while those services have massive—and...CNET From ACM Opinion | December 28, 2012
Virtually any article today about big data inevitably turns to the notion that the country is suffering from a crucial shortage of data scientists.GigaOm From ACM Opinion | December 26, 2012
In 1979, I was an aeronautical-engineering major at San Jose State University, sneaking time in the laser lab to make holograms or running over to the computer...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | December 26, 2012
"Big Data" hasn't made any of the words-of-the-year lists I've seen so far. That's probably because it didn't get the wide public exposure given to items like "...NPR From ACM Opinion | December 21, 2012
The outrage over Instagram's announcement that it is changing its terms and conditions has turned the spotlight on the relationship between websites and users who...The Guardian From ACM Opinion | December 21, 2012
We were dazzled by an array of smartphones. We were fascinated and then disappointed by Facebook's initial public offering. And we held our breaths as we awaited...CNET From ACM Opinion | December 20, 2012
The world's major Internet companies, backed by U.S. policymakers, got much of what they wanted last week when many nations refused to sign a global telecommunications...Reuters From ACM Opinion | December 17, 2012