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Reflections on Stanford's MOOCs
From Communications of the ACM

Reflections on Stanford's MOOCs

New possibilities in online education create new challenges.

Divided By Division
From Communications of the ACM

Divided By Division

Is there a "best used by" date for software?

More Sight on Foresight
From Communications of the ACM

More Sight on Foresight

My previous column, "The Foresight Saga, Redux," began a discussion that is continued here regarding some lessons learned from the 2012 U.S. November elections. In...

The Tangled Web We Have Woven
From Communications of the ACM

The Tangled Web We Have Woven

Seeking to protect the fundamental privacy of network interactions.

Talking, Walking Objects
From ACM Opinion

Talking, Walking Objects

Meeting Simon for the first time was one of the most sublime experiences I've had. With every coy head nod, casual hand wave and deep eye gaze, I felt he already...

Becoming Biohackers: Learning the Game
From ACM Careers

Becoming Biohackers: Learning the Game

When you have lunch courtesy of the FBI, you are offered chicken Caesar salad, hamburger, or fish.

From ACM Opinion

Google's Approach to Government Requests For ­ser Data

Today, January 28, is Data Privacy Day, when the world recognizes the importance of preserving your online privacy and security.

Crapware Won't Crap Out
From ACM Opinion

Crapware Won't Crap Out

For a few years now, I've been expecting to write an obituary for crapware. Or not an obit, exactly—I was hoping to dance on its grave.

Apple Shouldn't Make Software Look Like Real Objects
From ACM Opinion

Apple Shouldn't Make Software Look Like Real Objects

Last fall Apple fired executive Scott Forstall, considered by many to be a Steve Jobs protégé.

From ACM Opinion

Remembering Aaron By Taking Care of Each Other

My friend Will Morrell, brilliant and sardonic, was the first person I ever knew to make his living close to the machine.

Jill and Scott Kelley on the Petraeus Scandal and Loss of Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Jill and Scott Kelley on the Petraeus Scandal and Loss of Privacy

We woke up on the morning of Nov. 9 expecting the usual: for one of us, the tending to patients; for the other, the morning rush of packing lunches and getting...

Hacktivism: Civil Disobedience or Cyber Crime?
From ACM Opinion

Hacktivism: Civil Disobedience or Cyber Crime?

When Reddit co-founder and internet freedom activist Aaron Swartz committed suicide, he was facing up to 13 felony counts, 50 years in prison, and millions of dollars...

Samsung's Secret Weapon in the Mobile Wars: Tizen
From ACM Opinion

Samsung's Secret Weapon in the Mobile Wars: Tizen

You've probably never heard of Tizen, but the companies behind it are some of the most recognizable brands in the tech industry.

The Fbi Needs Hackers, Not Backdoors
From ACM Opinion

The Fbi Needs Hackers, Not Backdoors

Just imagine if all the applications and services you saw or heard about at CES earlier this month had to be designed to be "wiretap ready" before they could be...

What the Fbi Doesn't Want You To Know About Its 'secret' Surveillance Techniques
From ACM Opinion

What the Fbi Doesn't Want You To Know About Its 'secret' Surveillance Techniques

The FBI had to rewrite the book on its domestic surveillance activities in the wake of last January’s landmark Supreme Court decision in United States v. Jones.

Forget Oracle's Latest Java Patch. Just Kill the Program in Your Browser For Good
From ACM Opinion

Forget Oracle's Latest Java Patch. Just Kill the Program in Your Browser For Good

After months of inaction and even a warning from the Department of Homeland Security, Oracle has finally released a fix for yet another security vulnerability in...

From ACM Opinion

Where Is Lt. Zuckerberg?

I often wonder how General Billy Mitchell must have felt as he relentlessly advocated for the use of strategic airpower while surrounded by leadership who did not...

Guns, Maps and Data That Disturb
From ACM Opinion

Guns, Maps and Data That Disturb

Should data have a conscience?

From ACM Opinion

President Reif Writes to Mit Community Regarding Aaron Swartz

Yesterday we received the shocking and terrible news that on Friday in New York, Aaron Swartz, a gifted young man well known and admired by many in the MIT community...

Meeting with Biden Is a Mistake for the Game Industry
From ACM Opinion

Meeting with Biden Is a Mistake for the Game Industry

A couple weeks ago, an industry friend of mine told me that the office for Vice President Joe Biden was reaching out to so-called "game industry leaders."
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