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The ­ncanny Valley of Internet Advertising
From ACM Opinion

The ­ncanny Valley of Internet Advertising

If you ask an Internet ad guy to defend himself—to explain why you, dear Web surfer, should feel comfortable letting him serve you ads based on everything you do...

Giving In to the Surveillance State
From ACM Opinion

Giving In to the Surveillance State

In March 2002, John M. Poindexter, a former national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan, sat down with Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the director of the National...

Our Favorite 'forgotten Tech'—from Beos to Zip Drives
From ACM Opinion

Our Favorite 'forgotten Tech'—from Beos to Zip Drives

We all know about the gadgets that get showered with constant praise—the icons, the segment leaders, and the game changers. Tech history will never forget the Altair...

New Guide from Eff: Keeping Your Site Alive
From ACM Opinion

New Guide from Eff: Keeping Your Site Alive

Denial of service attacks—flooding Web sites with traffic in order to make them unavailable to the public—have become an increasingly popular way to take down or...

Author Order: What Science Can Learn from the Arts
From Communications of the ACM

Author Order: What Science Can Learn from the Arts

Some thoughts about author order in research papers.

The Big Apple's Big Data Advantage
From ACM TechNews

The Big Apple's Big Data Advantage

Microsoft's new research lab in Manhattan will focus on big data analysis, examining massive amounts of information created by the world's digital users, says lab...

Why Apple Might Be Better Off Losing Its Patent Lawsuit
From ACM Opinion

Why Apple Might Be Better Off Losing Its Patent Lawsuit

Could it be in Apple’s self-interest to lose its bitter court battle with Samsung?

Forget the Desktop
From ACM Opinion

Forget the Desktop

Every morning I wake up too early, reach for my iPad, and scan the morning's tech headlines. This is a pathetic enough existence, but the Web sites I frequent aren't...

Plagiarism, Defamation, and the Power of Hyperlinks
From ACM Opinion

Plagiarism, Defamation, and the Power of Hyperlinks

What do Fareed Zakaria, Jonah Lehrer, and Gawker Media have in common? In different ways, the incidents that have thrust all three into the news recently help to...

Will the Next Election Be Hacked?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Next Election Be Hacked?

Two years ago, hackers gained access to an online voting system created by the District of Columbia and altered every ballot on behalf of their own preferred candidates...

Five Things I've Learned from 20 Years of Email
From ACM Opinion

Five Things I've Learned from 20 Years of Email

It's been 20 years since I got my first-ever email address. Back then, I read email with a 2,400 bps modem. Today, emails reach me instantaneously on my phone whereever...

Exploring the Planets Enriches ­S at Home
From ACM Opinion

Exploring the Planets Enriches ­S at Home

NASA's newest marvel, a one-ton rover named Curiosity, has been set down with all the delicacy of a carton of eggs on the surface of Mars.

There's Only One Truly Open Platform: The Web
From ACM Opinion

There's Only One Truly Open Platform: The Web

As Twitter and Facebook continue to fight a variety of skirmishes in the ongoing "platform wars," with both companies trying to control as much of their networks...

Why High-Frequency Trading Doesn't Compute
From ACM Opinion

Why High-Frequency Trading Doesn't Compute

Wall Street is no autobahn. Traders pushing pedal to the metal risk hurtling into the Buttonwood Trees.

15 Technologies of Today We'll Still Be ­sing in 2030
From ACM Opinion

15 Technologies of Today We'll Still Be ­sing in 2030

Sure, we now have faster, smaller computers, smartphones that talk back to you, and smart TVs, but in so many areas of technology the pace of change is slower than ...

Trust: Ill-Advised in a Digital Age
From ACM Opinion

Trust: Ill-Advised in a Digital Age

Bruce Schneieer ordered a Coke, no ice, at the Rio casino on a Saturday afternoon. I ordered Diet Coke, also no ice, and handed the bartender an American Express...

Meet Gauss, the Latest Weapon in the ­nfolding ­.s.-Israeli Cyberwar
From ACM Opinion

Meet Gauss, the Latest Weapon in the ­nfolding ­.s.-Israeli Cyberwar

To the steadily growing list of digital weapons that appear to have been jointly created by the combined resources of the U.S. and Israel, we can now add another...

Why I Love Mars
From ACM Opinion

Why I Love Mars

Every now and then, I spend time on Mars. I dig my naked toes into the fine, red-orange soil, watch how it clings to my skin—and feel an incipient itch.

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?
From ACM Opinion

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?

After being on the receiving end of a truly awful hacking attack, Wired writer Mat Honan explained how it happened in detail. And he was very clear about two of...

How the Icloud Hack Happened and How to Avoid Being Next
From ACM Opinion

How the Icloud Hack Happened and How to Avoid Being Next

Mat Honan, the technology reporter who was digitally disemboweled this past weekend, has revealed exactly how he was so spectacularly owned. His case, a cascade...
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