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How Can Malware Be Stopped?

The world of cybersecurity is starting to resemble a paranoid thriller.

From ACM Opinion

The Court's Gps Test

There were no GPS tracking devices when the framers wrote the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches. But that does not mean this sometimes...

From ACM Opinion

The End of the Credit Card?

A new app called Card Case foretells a world without cash and plastic.

Why Siri Is a Google Killer
From ACM Opinion

Why Siri Is a Google Killer

It has now been a couple of weeks since Siri debuted as part of Apple’s iPhone 4S. The response from most people has been very positive. However, Siri is tremendously...

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming
From ACM Opinion

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming

When the original Xbox video-game console went on sale in 2001, it wasn't clear why Microsoft, known for staid workplace software, was branching out into fast...

From ACM Opinion


In his recent biography of Steve Jobs, author Walter Isaacson says the Apple visionary revealed to him that he had finally "cracked" the problem with TV and was...

From ACM Opinion

5 Wishes For the Next Generation of Consoles

So what do Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have in store for us with the next generation of consoles? When will we see the Xbox 720, the PS4, and the Wii-2, and...

Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War
From ACM Opinion

Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War

Eugene Kaspersky is not given to easy hyperbole. But the Russian maths genius who founded an internet security empire with a global reach, clutched at his thick...

Why Your Next Phone Might Be Bendable
From ACM Opinion

Why Your Next Phone Might Be Bendable

As we enter the final months of 2011, the thoughts of tech watchers like me are turning to what we can expect in 2012. Voice recognition in all our devices? Touch...

From ACM Opinion

The New Einsteins Will Be Scientists Who Share

In January 2009, a mathematician at Cambridge University named Tim Gowers decided to use his blog to run an unusual social experiment. He picked out a difficult...

From ACM Opinion

The Genius of Jobs

One of the questions I wrestled with when writing about Steve Jobs was how smart he was. On the surface, this should not have been much of an issue.

Why Steve Jobs Is Right About Android
From ACM Opinion

Why Steve Jobs Is Right About Android

Over the weekend I wrote, "What If Steve Jobs Is Right?" As the title implies, the post was a hypothetical look at the possibility that Steve Jobs' assertion...

From ACM Opinion

Wireless Demand Soon Outstripping Capacity

A new report from the Global Information Industry Center at the University of California, San Diego examines the projected disconnect between U.S. wireless infrastructure...

From ACM Opinion

Patriot Act Turns 10, With No Signs of Retirement

The USA Patriot Act, the law granting the government vast surveillance powers that was adopted in the wake of September 11, turns a decade old Wednesday. But...

11 Most Startling Revelations in 'steve Jobs'
From ACM News

11 Most Startling Revelations in 'steve Jobs'

Full disclosure: Steve Jobs was my white whale, the interview I wanted more than any other and the day he died I fashioned a black band across the Apple logo...

The Shocking Strangeness of Our 25-Year-Old Digital Privacy Law
From ACM Opinion

The Shocking Strangeness of Our 25-Year-Old Digital Privacy Law

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) was signed into law on October 21, 1986. Although it was forward-looking at the time, ECPA's privacy protections...

From ACM Opinion

Running Out of Bandwidth

At a time of slow economic growth and declining competitiveness, wireless technology remains a shining example of innovation. In the last 10 years, wireless communications...

Information Seeking: Convergence of Search, Recommendations, and Advertising
From Communications of the ACM

Information Seeking: Convergence of Search, Recommendations, and Advertising

How to address user information needs amidst a preponderance of data.

Gender Demographics Trends and Changes in U.S. CS Departments
From Communications of the ACM

Gender Demographics Trends and Changes in U.S. CS Departments

Using the past 10 years of Taulbee Survey data to evaluate female student enrollment across varied academic institutions and departments.

Teaching-Oriented Faculty at Research Universities
From Communications of the ACM

Teaching-Oriented Faculty at Research Universities

Nine teacher-oriented faculty in computer science departments at research universities in the U.S. or Canada describe how their positions work, how they contribute...
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