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From ACM Opinion

10 Things Web ­sers Should Fear in 2011

As in the real world, cyberspace has bad neighborhoods. But unlike the real world, risks in cyberspace are not easy to spot—and the location of those digital...

From Communications of the ACM

The Ephemeral Legion: Producing an Expert Cyber-Security Work Force from Thin Air

Seeking to improve the educational mechanisms for efficiently training large numbers of information security workers.

Cloud Computing Privacy Concerns on Our Doorstep
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Computing Privacy Concerns on Our Doorstep

Privacy and confidentiality issues in cloud-based conference management systems reflect more universal themes.

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle
From Communications of the ACM

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle

A look in the rearview mirror reveals system and process blind spots.

Google AdWords and European Trademark Law
From Communications of the ACM

Google AdWords and European Trademark Law

Is Google violating trademark law by operating its AdWords system?

Don't Bring Me a Good Idea
From Communications of the ACM

Don't Bring Me a Good Idea

You want to know how to get my attention?" Jason Kalich asked the audience rhetorically. "First off, don't bring me a good...

Web Giants Get Bigger, Location Takes Off
From ACM News

Web Giants Get Bigger, Location Takes Off

The easiest way to sum up the Web in 2010 is that it was a year of growth. The big got bigger and smaller companies came out of the woodwork with new plays on...

From ACM Opinion

Stuxnet's Finnish-Chinese Connection

I recently wrote a white paper entitled “Dragons, Tigers, Pearls, and Yellowcake” in which I proposed four alternative scenarios for the Stuxnet worm other than...

From ACM Opinion

Time to Loosen Google's Grip?

In case you hadn't noticed, Google isn't just a Web search company any longer. In addition to online advertising, it's moving into operating system and application...

From ACM News

Google Goes to the Cloud For New Idea in Pc System

In the personal-computer industry, where things change fast, one fact has been a constant for years: There are two major, mainstream operating systems for consumers...

From ACM News

Don't Prosecute Wikileaks

As faculty members and officers of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, we are concerned by recent reports that the Department of Justice is...

Prosecute Assange ­nder the Espionage Act
From ACM Opinion

Prosecute Assange ­nder the Espionage Act

Just as the First Amendment is not a license to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, it is also not a license to jeopardize national security.

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy
From ACM Opinion

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy

"I'm aware of your need to stay anonymous, but I have to be able to describe the scope of this movement. Can any of you tell me where you're typing from?"

From ACM Opinion

Why Wikileaks Is Good For America

A truly free press—one unfettered by concerns of nationalism—is apparently a terrifying problem for elected governments and tyrannies alike.

Primal Rage: A Conversation with John Carmack, and a Look at Id's Latest
From ACM Opinion

Primal Rage: A Conversation with John Carmack, and a Look at Id's Latest

If there were a Mt. Rushmore of computer gaming, John Carmack's head would not only be on it, it would have the highest polygon count.

From ACM News

Every Day We Write the Book

What would happen if Facebook made its data available for research?

From ACM Opinion

Ftc 'do Not Track' Plan Would Be a Google Killer

The Federal Trade Commission proposed this week that consumers should have a "do not track" option for the Internet, similar to the "do not call" list that exists...

Assange on Secrecy, China, and Wikileaks' Growth
From ACM Opinion

Assange on Secrecy, China, and Wikileaks' Growth

"Secrecy is important for many things," said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in an interview with Time over Skype on Monday. Managing editor Richard Stengel...

Where Anonymity Breeds Contempt
From ACM News

Where Anonymity Breeds Contempt

There you are, peacefully reading an article or watching a video on the Internet. You finish, find it thought-provoking, and scroll down to the comments section...

From ACM Opinion

Long Live the Web: A Call For Continued Open Standards and Neutrality

The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperity—and even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defending.
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