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Language Barriers
From ACM Opinion

Language Barriers

The British scientist and polymath Stephen Wolfram has always had big ambitions.

Why Copyrighted Coffee May Cripple the Internet of Things
From ACM Opinion

Why Copyrighted Coffee May Cripple the Internet of Things

With its single-serving coffee pods, Green Mountain Coffee has transformed the business of brew.

A Four-Minute Explanation of Why Innovation Is So Important to the ­nited States
From ACM Opinion

A Four-Minute Explanation of Why Innovation Is So Important to the ­nited States

What makes America great?

'Surfing Toward the Future'
From Communications of the ACM

'Surfing Toward the Future'

A new report from Chile about improving economic competitiveness advances a novel interpretation of innovation. Timing is everything.

Asimov's Predictions from 1964: A Brief Report Card
From ACM Opinion

Asimov's Predictions from 1964: A Brief Report Card

Predictions about technology's future are almost always doomed.

The Problem with Easy Technology
From ACM Opinion

The Problem with Easy Technology

In the history of marketing, there's a classic tale that centers on the humble cake mix.

Life Before (and After) Page Numbers
From ACM Opinion

Life Before (and After) Page Numbers

Print media evolved into its present forms.

Bitcoin's Crisis Is Turning Point For Currency
From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin's Crisis Is Turning Point For Currency

Many bitcoin users are probably too young to remember the Notorious B.I.G.'s 1997 rap hit "Mo Money Mo Problems."

Why the One Appealing Part of Creationism Is Wrong
From ACM Opinion

Why the One Appealing Part of Creationism Is Wrong

Earlier this month, Ken Ham, the founder of the Creation Museum, in Petersburg, Kentucky, held a debate with Bill Nye at the museum.

This Ingenious Touchscreen ­i Should Be in Every Car
From ACM Opinion

This Ingenious Touchscreen ­i Should Be in Every Car

There may be no greater design crime today than putting a touchscreen in an automobile.

Why Watson Is Real Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Why Watson Is Real Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is here now.

Some Predict Computers Will Produce a Jobless Future. Here's Why They're Wrong.
From ACM Opinion

Some Predict Computers Will Produce a Jobless Future. Here's Why They're Wrong.

Will "smart machines" steal our jobs?

Is the ­niverse a Simulation?
From ACM Opinion

Is the ­niverse a Simulation?

In Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita," the protagonist, a writer, burns a manuscript in a moment of despair, only to find out later from the Devil...

Science Inches Closer to Real Bioshock-Style Plasmids
From ACM Opinion

Science Inches Closer to Real Bioshock-Style Plasmids

Synthetic success. That's not to say that customized transposons are limited to the hypothetical.

Baxter and the Second Machine Age
From ACM News

Baxter and the Second Machine Age

The Industrial Revolution of the 18th century is not just the story of steam power, but steam started it all.

The Strange, Deadly Effects Mars Would Have on Your Body
From ACM Opinion

The Strange, Deadly Effects Mars Would Have on Your Body

We've imagined sending people to Mars since well before Gagarin's first spaceflight.

What Is Nasa For?
From ACM Opinion

What Is Nasa For?

What the heck is NASA for? It's like asking what a panda is for.

Why Startups Should Steal Ideas and Hire Weirdos
From ACM Opinion

Why Startups Should Steal Ideas and Hire Weirdos

The most consistently creative and insightful people are explorers.

A Creator of Skynet Ponders Google
From ACM Opinion

A Creator of Skynet Ponders Google

After an eight-year detour in which he served as governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger has returned to his true calling as a cyborg assassin.

Pluto Wins
From ACM Opinion

Pluto Wins

It's time to stop throwing pity parties for Pluto.
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