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5 Things That Will Remake Big Data in the Next 5 Years
From ACM Opinion

5 Things That Will Remake Big Data in the Next 5 Years

Big data has evolved a lot of the past few years; from a happy buzzword to a hated buzzword, and from a focus on volume to a focus on variety and velocity.

There's No Real Difference Between Online Espionage and Online Attack
From ACM Opinion

There's No Real Difference Between Online Espionage and Online Attack

Back when we first started getting reports of the Chinese breaking into U.S. computer networks for espionage purposes, we described it in some very strong language...

Language Barriers
From ACM Opinion

Language Barriers

The British scientist and polymath Stephen Wolfram has always had big ambitions.

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete
From ACM Opinion

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete

For the past two decades, the Internet has operated as an unregulated, competitive free market.

The Political Science of Cybersecurity III—How International Relations Theory Shapes U.S. Cybersecurity Doctrine
From ACM Opinion

The Political Science of Cybersecurity III—How International Relations Theory Shapes U.S. Cybersecurity Doctrine

U.S. cybersecurity officials have been much more skeptical about international cooperation than their Cold War counterparts were.

Why Watson Is Real Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Why Watson Is Real Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is here now.

Forget Its Hotels, Sochi's Tech Has Been ­p For the Olympic Challenge
From ACM Opinion

Forget Its Hotels, Sochi's Tech Has Been ­p For the Olympic Challenge

The scale and grandeur of the Winter Olympics in Sochi is estimated to have cost Russia an astronomical $46 billion.

Is the ­niverse a Simulation?
From ACM Opinion

Is the ­niverse a Simulation?

In Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita," the protagonist, a writer, burns a manuscript in a moment of despair, only to find out later from the Devil...

Last Call For Bad Calls
From ACM Opinion

Last Call For Bad Calls

Technology will soon make officials at high-level sports events as obsolete as elevator operators, their skill set as useful as knowing how to make a wood tennis...

Everything We Know About How the Nsa Tracks People's Physical Location
From ACM News

Everything We Know About How the Nsa Tracks People's Physical Location

Glenn Greenwald is back reporting about the NSA, now with Pierre Omidyar's news organization FirstLook and its introductory publication, The Intercept.

What Is Nasa For?
From ACM Opinion

What Is Nasa For?

What the heck is NASA for? It's like asking what a panda is for.

The Case of the Hacked Refrigerator—could 'the Internet of Things' Connect Everything?
From ACM Opinion

The Case of the Hacked Refrigerator—could 'the Internet of Things' Connect Everything?

Somebody hacked a refrigerator recently, and it could mark a tipping point for civilization.

Judges Poised to Hand ­.s. Spies the Keys to the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Judges Poised to Hand ­.s. Spies the Keys to the Internet

How does the NSA get the private crypto keys that allow it to bulk eavesdrop on some email providers and social networking sites?

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know
From ACM Opinion

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know

The White House announced via blog post on Thursday that it's forming working group focused on understanding the promises and pitfalls of big data (with a heavy...

5 Questions For Edward Snowden That Aren't Exactly About the Nsa
From ACM Opinion

5 Questions For Edward Snowden That Aren't Exactly About the Nsa

The world's most famous former intelligence contractor, Edward Snowden, is scheduled to answer questions posted on Twitter in an hour-long Webcast on Thursday.

Pretty Good Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Pretty Good Privacy

Few critics of the NSA will find much satisfaction in President Obama's speech this morning or in the set of reforms that he announced.

'net Neutrality' Ruling Opens Door For Two-Tiered Internet Market
From ACM Opinion

'net Neutrality' Ruling Opens Door For Two-Tiered Internet Market

An "Open Internet" became endangered this week at a time when the U.S. increasingly relies on Internet services to deliver everything from education to entertainment...

A Victory For an ­nfettered Internet
From ACM Opinion

A Victory For an ­nfettered Internet

A federal appeals court in Washington slapped the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday for overstepping its legal authority by trying to regulate Internet...

I Spent Two Hours Talking With the Nsa's Bigwigs. Here's What Has Them Mad
From ACM Opinion

I Spent Two Hours Talking With the Nsa's Bigwigs. Here's What Has Them Mad

My expectations were low when I asked the National Security Agency to cooperate with my story on the impact of Edward Snowden’s leaks on the tech industry.

Why Snowden Won't (and Shouldn't) Get Clemency
From ACM Opinion

Why Snowden Won't (and Shouldn't) Get Clemency

I regard Daniel Ellsberg as an American patriot.
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