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A System Is Not a Product
From Communications of the ACM

A System Is Not a Product

Stopping to smell the code before wasting time reentering configuration data.

Inside the Hermit Kingdom
From Communications of the ACM

Inside the Hermit Kingdom: IT and Outsourcing in North Korea

North Korea has a sizeable IT sector. Some 10,000 professionals work in the field, and many more have IT degrees. They are already engaged in outsourcing contracts...

Why Our Innovators Traffic in Trifles
From ACM Opinion

Why Our Innovators Traffic in Trifles

When Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg announced in April that his company would pay $1 billion in cash and stock to buy Instagram, the deal put an exclamation mark on...

Future Planetary Rovers May Make Their Own Decisions
From ACM Opinion

Future Planetary Rovers May Make Their Own Decisions

It's a hot summer day, and your eyes spot an ice cream cart up ahead. Without even really thinking, you start walking that direction. Planetary scientists would...

How Atomic Scale Devices Are Transforming Electronics
From ACM Opinion

How Atomic Scale Devices Are Transforming Electronics

After more than a decade of advances in nanoscale electronics, we are learning to measure and manipulate matter to create fundamentally different electronic devices...

'a Perfect and Beautiful Machine': What Darwin's Theory of Evolution Reveals About Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

'a Perfect and Beautiful Machine': What Darwin's Theory of Evolution Reveals About Artificial Intelligence

Some of the greatest, most revolutionary advances in science have been given their initial expression in attractively modest terms, with no fanfare.

Alan Turing: Is He Really the Father of Computing?
From ACM Opinion

Alan Turing: Is He Really the Father of Computing?

When Alan Turing arrived to start work at the National Physical Laboratory at Teddington, south-west London, he was 33 years old. It was October 1945 and he was...

Google's Hybrid Approach to Research
From Communications of the ACM

Google's Hybrid Approach to Research

By closely connecting research and development Google is able to conduct experiments on an unprecedented scale, often resulting in new capabilities for the company...

Alan Turing's Other Universal Machine
From Communications of the ACM

Alan Turing's Other Universal Machine

All computer scientists know about the Universal Turing Machine, one of the foundation stones of theoretical computer science. Much less well known is the practical...

The Highly Productive Habits of Alan Turing
From ACM News

The Highly Productive Habits of Alan Turing

June 23 marks the 100th birthday of Alan Turing. If I had to name five people whose personal efforts led to the defeat of Nazi Germany, the English mathematician...

The Vulnerabilities Market and the Future of Security
From ACM Opinion

The Vulnerabilities Market and the Future of Security

Recently, there have been several articles about the new market in zero-day exploits: new and unpatched computer vulnerabilities. It's not just software companies...

Bionic Brains and Beyond
From ACM News

Bionic Brains and Beyond

The National Spelling Bee of 2023 started out like any other, but controversy enveloped the contest when Suzy Hamilton, an 8-year-old from Tulsa, emerged as the...

Where Speech Recognition Is Going
From ACM Opinion

Where Speech Recognition Is Going

Until recently, the idea of holding a conversation with a computer seemed pure science fiction. If you asked a computer to "open the pod bay doors"—well, that was...

Human Evolution Isn't What It ­sed to Be
From ACM Opinion

Human Evolution Isn't What It ­sed to Be

If you write about genetics and evolution, one of the commonest questions you are likely to be asked at public events is whether human evolution has stopped.

A Measure of Control
From Communications of the ACM

A Measure of Control

Some limitations on measurements in software.

Scale Failure
From Communications of the ACM

Scale Failure

Using a tool for the wrong job is OK until the day when it isn't.

Security of the Internet and the Known Unknowns
From Communications of the ACM

Security of the Internet and the Known Unknowns

Seeking answers to questions about Internet vulnerabilities.

From ACM Opinion

When Will This Low-Innovation Internet Era End?

It's an age of unprecedented, staggering technological change. Business models are being transformed, lives are being upended, vast new horizons of possibility...

God and Man in Tennessee
From ACM Opinion

God and Man in Tennessee

Earlier this month state senators in Tennessee approved an update to our sex-education law that would ban teachers from discussing hand-holding, which it categorizes...

Crossing the Software Education Chasm
From Communications of the ACM

Crossing the Software Education Chasm

An Agile approach that exploits cloud computing.
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