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Proceed with Caution Toward the Self-Driving Car
From ACM Opinion

Proceed with Caution Toward the Self-Driving Car

Driving on Interstate 495 toward Boston in a Ford Fusion one chilly afternoon in March, I did something that would've made even my laid-back long-ago driving instructor...

Will Bitcoins Make Me Rich?
From ACM Opinion

Will Bitcoins Make Me Rich?

Let me begin this column with a lengthy disclosure. One morning last week, I stopped at my bank, filled out a withdrawal slip for $1,027.51, and walked away with...

If You Hate Red-Light Cameras, You'll Really Hate Speeding Ticket Robots
From ACM Opinion

If You Hate Red-Light Cameras, You'll Really Hate Speeding Ticket Robots

Four academics from West Point and Samford University in Alabama set out to answer a seemingly simple question: how would one write a computer program to issue...

Cyber Education Key to Security
From ACM Opinion

Cyber Education Key to Security

Today, cyberspace is woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

Twitter, Hate Speech, and the Costs of Keeping Quiet
From ACM Opinion

Twitter, Hate Speech, and the Costs of Keeping Quiet

Last month was a bittersweet seventh birthday for Twitter.

The Future of Surveillance Will Turn Society Into a Massive Online Game
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Surveillance Will Turn Society Into a Massive Online Game

No matter what the future may contain, one thing is certain: just about everything in it, including us, will increasingly be under surveillance.

The Bitcoin Bubble and the Future of Currency
From ACM Opinion

The Bitcoin Bubble and the Future of Currency

A few days ago, the value of all the bitcoins in the world blew past $1 billion for the first time ever. That’s an impressive achievement, for a purely virtual...

You'll Never Believe the Data 'wiped' Smartphones Store
From ACM Opinion

You'll Never Believe the Data 'wiped' Smartphones Store

Few things are more precious, intimate, and personal than the data on your smartphone.

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven
From ACM News

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven

One of the oddest bits of news to emerge from the economic collapse of Cyprus is a corresponding rise in the value of Bitcoin, the Internet’s favorite, media-friendly...

The Chilling Effects of the Dmca
From ACM Opinion

The Chilling Effects of the Dmca

It was hard to believe, but the student insisted it was true.

Google's Self-Driving Robot Cars Are Ruining My Commute
From ACM Opinion

Google's Self-Driving Robot Cars Are Ruining My Commute

My hometown, Mountain View, Calif., has become the unofficial capital of the robotic car revolution.

The Promise and Perils of a Datafied World
From ACM Opinion

The Promise and Perils of a Datafied World

In a former life I was a research assistant. After painstaking weeks spent gathering data, I was tasked with putting the numbers into a statistics application that...

Are the Costs of 'Free' Too High in Online Education?
From Communications of the ACM

Are the Costs of 'Free' Too High in Online Education?

Considering the economic implications as educational institutions expand online learning initiatives.

Peacebuilding in a Networked World
From Communications of the ACM

Peacebuilding in a Networked World

Harnessing computing and communication technologies in fragile, conflict-stressed nations.

Code Abuse
From Communications of the ACM

Code Abuse

One programmer's extension is another programmer's abuse.

Cyber-Victimization and Cybersecurity in China
From Communications of the ACM

Cyber-Victimization and Cybersecurity in China

Seeking insights into cyberattacks associated with China. <!-- <em>To view a slide presentation with video commentary by the author, click here (xxx Mbytes)</em>...

The Problem with Hands-Free Dashboard Cellphones
From Communications of the ACM

The Problem with Hands-Free Dashboard Cellphones

Lawmakers misunderstand user experience of technology interface.

How Relying on Algorithms and Bots Can Be Really, Really Dangerous
From ACM Opinion

How Relying on Algorithms and Bots Can Be Really, Really Dangerous

So you can’t wait for a self-driving car to take away the drudgery of driving? Me neither! But consider this scenario, recently posed by neuroscientist Gary Marcus...

Why All Reporters (not Just J-School Students) Should Learn to Fly Drones
From ACM Opinion

Why All Reporters (not Just J-School Students) Should Learn to Fly Drones

These days the future of journalism may look cloudy. But one thing about the future of the business is clear, according to ABC News. It will be full of drones.

The District Court's Remarkable Order Striking Down the Nsl Statute
From ACM Opinion

The District Court's Remarkable Order Striking Down the Nsl Statute

On Friday, EFF received the long-awaiting ruling on its 2011 petition to set aside a National Security Letter (NSL) issued to a telecommunications company. The18...
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