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What Gets Measured Gets Done
From Communications of the ACM

What Gets Measured Gets Done

"U.S. broadband is terrible" has become a familiar meme. Given the growing importance of broadband Internet connections, a poor broadband infrastructure would...

Security Risks in Next-Generation Emergency Services
From Communications of the ACM

Security Risks in Next-Generation Emergency Services

Sounding the alert on emergency calling system deficiencies.

­.s. v. Jones: Where Privacy, Technology and the Constitution Collide
From ACM Opinion

­.s. v. Jones: Where Privacy, Technology and the Constitution Collide

What is at stake in United States v. Jones is nothing less than the continued vitality of the Fourth Amendment in the modern technological age.

Meters Could Spy On ­s
From ACM Opinion

Meters Could Spy On ­s

If you bought an appliance in the last three years, odds are it was 'smart,' meaning it probably contains a wireless radio. Once hooked up to a smart meter, an...

Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying
From ACM Opinion

Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying

"I never forget a face," goes the Marx Brothers one-liner, "but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception." Unlike Groucho Marx, unfortunately, the cloud...

From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs and Me

 He said my 1971 article inspired him. His iBook obsessed me.

From ACM Opinion

Off-Shoring and Cyber Security

Big U.S. and European software companies are increasingly developing code for mainstream products overseas, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. But despite...

From ACM Opinion

Gov. Brown: Sign Bill Outlawing Warrantless Smartphone Searches

There’s a bill sitting on the desk of California Governor Jerry Brown, which if signed would ban police from searching the mobile devices of people arrested for...

Rebooting the CS Publication Process
From Communications of the ACM

Rebooting the CS Publication Process

A proposal for a new cost-free open-access publication model for computer science papers.

Testing: Failing to Succeed
From Communications of the ACM

Testing: Failing to Succeed

There are two situations in software testing that scare testers: when they see "too many" defects and when they do not see "enough."

Modernizing the Danish Democratic Process
From Communications of the ACM

Modernizing the Danish Democratic Process

Examining the socio-technological issues involved in Denmark's decision to pursue the legalization of electronic elections.

File-System Litter
From Communications of the ACM

File-System Litter

Cleaning up your storage space quickly and efficiently.

The Platform Leader's Dilemma
From Communications of the ACM

The Platform Leader's Dilemma

Studying the lessons learned from past and present platform leaders.

From ACM Opinion

Protect Our Right to Anonymity

In November, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case that could redefine the scope of privacy in an age of increasingly ubiquitous surveillance technologies...

How 9/11 Completely Changed Surveillance in ­.s.
From ACM Opinion

How 9/11 Completely Changed Surveillance in ­.s.

Former AT&T engineer Mark Klein handed a sheaf of papers in January 2006 to lawyers at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, providing smoking-gun evidence that...

Can Brain Research Keep ­S Safe?
From ACM News

Can Brain Research Keep ­S Safe?

Human conflict is often associated with the emergence of a new science or technology. The Civil War's Gatling gun changed battlefield tactics and led to modern...

Bike Crash Wiped Details; Gps Data Filled Them In
From ACM News

Bike Crash Wiped Details; Gps Data Filled Them In

After racing and biking back roads on the San Francisco Peninsula for almost half a century without serious incident, on July 3 I crashed while riding downhill...

From ACM Opinion

Post-9/11, Nsa 'enemies' Include ­s

Somewhere between Sept. 11 and today, the enemy morphed from a handful of terrorists to the American population at large, leaving us nowhere to run and no place...

From ACM News

Captcha Talks Back

What if CAPTCHA messed with you even more than it already does?

The Calm Before the Storm
From ACM Opinion

The Calm Before the Storm

Revelations of wholesale electronic fraud and massive data heists have become weekly, even daily affairs.
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