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NSA's Top Policy Advisor: It's Time to Start Putting Teeth in Cyber Deterrence
From ACM Opinion

NSA's Top Policy Advisor: It's Time to Start Putting Teeth in Cyber Deterrence

At an industry event in Hanover, Maryland last week, former National Security Council cybersecurity policy coordinator and acting Homeland Security Advisor Rob...

3D-Printed (and CNC-Milled) Guns: Nine Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask
From ACM Opinion

3D-Printed (and CNC-Milled) Guns: Nine Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask

By now, you've probably seen all the news regarding Defense Distributed, company founder Cody Wilson, and 3D-printed guns.

Senior Scientist Argues that We Should Bypass Europa for Enceladus
From ACM Opinion

Senior Scientist Argues that We Should Bypass Europa for Enceladus

In its quest to find extant life in the Solar System, NASA has focused its gaze on the Jovian moon Europa, home to what is likely the largest ocean known to humans...

To Build the Best Bots, NASA Happily Looks to Others Here on Earth
From ACM Opinion

To Build the Best Bots, NASA Happily Looks to Others Here on Earth

The Mission to Learn Everything We Always Wanted to Know About the Universe
From ACM Opinion

The Mission to Learn Everything We Always Wanted to Know About the Universe

The Cosmic Microwave Background was created as the first atoms formed hundreds of thousands of years after the Big Bang, and it retains information about the formation...

Snowden Lawyer: Bill of Rights Was Meant to Make Government's Job 'more Difficult'
From ACM Opinion

Snowden Lawyer: Bill of Rights Was Meant to Make Government's Job 'more Difficult'

Ben Wizner, a top attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, is probably best known for being one of the lawyers representing Ed Snowden, the former National...

From Exile to Eminence: How the Alien Hunters Conquered Astronomy
From ACM Opinion

From Exile to Eminence: How the Alien Hunters Conquered Astronomy

When Jill Tarter first began to look for aliens, she drew looks askance from her friends and colleagues.

Why Safe Harbor 2.0 Will Lose Again
From ACM Opinion

Why Safe Harbor 2.0 Will Lose Again

Over the weekend, negotiators from the European Union's executive body, and the US Federal Trade Commission worked frantically to thrash out a deal to allow transatlantic...

Saving Fuel with Software
From ACM Opinion

Saving Fuel with Software

Energy efficiency isn't just a good idea from an environmental perspective; it makes business sense as well.

Snowden: ­.s. Has Put Too Much Emphasis on Cyber-Offense, Needs Defense
From ACM News

Snowden: ­.s. Has Put Too Much Emphasis on Cyber-Offense, Needs Defense

In an on-camera interview with James Bamford for an upcoming episode of PBS' NOVA, Edward Snowden warned that the U.S. Department of Defense and National Security...

North Korea and Cyberterrorists Won Big in Sony Hack, Researcher Says
From ACM Opinion

North Korea and Cyberterrorists Won Big in Sony Hack, Researcher Says

It looks like the great cyber-war with North Korea has begun, at least by proxy.

Finding an Image with an Image and Other Feats of Computer Vision
From ACM Opinion

Finding an Image with an Image and Other Feats of Computer Vision

"We found that people were searching for squirrels just to favorite them, just to click 'like.' And the same with buses."

Julian Assange on Snowden, Disliking Google, and His 'inevitable' Freedom
From ACM Opinion

Julian Assange on Snowden, Disliking Google, and His 'inevitable' Freedom

It would be too much to say that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange feels optimistic.
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