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FBI Head Christopher Wray: We Can't Let Criminals Hide Behind Encryption
From ACM Opinion

FBI Head Christopher Wray: We Can't Let Criminals Hide Behind Encryption

Encryption should have limits. That's the message FBI Director Christopher Wray had for cybersecurity experts Tuesday.

Google Assistant Is Getting Sci-Fi Ambitious
From ACM Opinion

Google Assistant Is Getting Sci-Fi Ambitious

From 550 feet in the air, Google's Scott Huffman peers down at the Las Vegas skyline. It's a sunny afternoon in early January and, at the moment, Google owns this...

Hacker Knows Best: Privacy Tips from Kevin Mitnick
From ACM Opinion

Hacker Knows Best: Privacy Tips from Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick knows all the ways your privacy could be violated through your phone, computer and tablet.

Orwell Was Right: Oliver Stone on What Makes Snowden Exciting
From ACM Opinion

Orwell Was Right: Oliver Stone on What Makes Snowden Exciting

Oliver Stone wants you to know he's not an activist.

Snowden: 'i Never Thought I'd Be Saved' After Nsa Leaks
From ACM Opinion

Snowden: 'i Never Thought I'd Be Saved' After Nsa Leaks

When Edward Snowden leaked highly classified secrets about government spying, he changed the way the world thinks of cybersecurity.

Cyberwar, Out of the Shadows
From ACM Opinion

Cyberwar, Out of the Shadows

A hacking attack on a Las Vegas hotel company. A power grid blackout in the Ukraine. A series of industrial accidents at an Iranian nuclear enrichment lab.

Google on Eu Troubles: 'we Don't Always Get It Right'
From ACM Opinion

Google on Eu Troubles: 'we Don't Always Get It Right'

Google is in hot water in Europe, and its head of European operations is trying to cool things off.

Hbo's John Oliver Hits Snowden Hard on Nsa Leaks
From ACM Opinion

Hbo's John Oliver Hits Snowden Hard on Nsa Leaks

Edward Snowden and an unlikely interviewer squared-off on HBO over the leaks that exposed the National Security Agency's extensive surveillance programs.

Hacker Mitnick Has a Plan to Help You Stay Safe Online
From ACM Opinion

Hacker Mitnick Has a Plan to Help You Stay Safe Online

Even famed hacker Kevin Mitnick—labeled a "computer terrorist" by the FBI in the '90s—worries about getting hacked.

Oculus Rift 'fantastic' But Won't Replace Movies, Says 'minority Report' Fx Guru
From ACM Opinion

Oculus Rift 'fantastic' But Won't Replace Movies, Says 'minority Report' Fx Guru

Oculus Rift is "fantastic" but virtual reality won't replace movies just yet, according to two legends of special effects.

The History of the Predator, the Drone that Changed the World
From ACM Opinion

The History of the Predator, the Drone that Changed the World

These days, the word drone is used to refer to just about any kind of remote-controlled, unmanned aircraft.

Stephen Hawking: AI Could Be a 'real Danger'
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking: AI Could Be a 'real Danger'

I don't want to frighten you.

Getting Everyday Objects to Think
From ACM Opinion

Getting Everyday Objects to Think

If the so-called Internet of Things ever becomes one of those proverbial next big things in technology, Thomas Lee, a card-carrying member of the cohort of big...

Saving the Net from the Surveillance State: Glenn Greenwald Speaks ­p
From ACM Opinion

Saving the Net from the Surveillance State: Glenn Greenwald Speaks ­p

Big Brother may be watching you. But Glenn Greenwald is watching Big Brother.

Lavabit Founder Says He Fought Feds to Protect the Constitution
From ACM Opinion

Lavabit Founder Says He Fought Feds to Protect the Constitution

Like a story straight out of the universe of Franz Kafka, Lavabit founder Ladar Levison found himself before a judge in Washington, representing himself against...

Privacy Entrepreneur Turns Nsa Snooping Into Profit (q&a)
From ACM Opinion

Privacy Entrepreneur Turns Nsa Snooping Into Profit (q&a)

In a double dose of irony, the National Security Agency's prying has given a big helping hand to Phil Zimmermann's business, Silent Circle.

VCs Doerr and Khosla on Gov't Snooping: It's a Tradeoff
From ACM Opinion

VCs Doerr and Khosla on Gov't Snooping: It's a Tradeoff

Two of the most influential venture capitalists in Silicon Valley, John Doerr and Vinod Khosla, weighed in on the current controversy government surveillance, contending...

Google Security Exec: 'passwords Are Dead'
From ACM Opinion

Google Security Exec: 'passwords Are Dead'

New startups looking for ways to keep their users secure should know one thing, a top Google security executive said Tuesday: "Passwords are dead."

Lavabit Chief Predicts 'long Fight' with Feds
From ACM Opinion

Lavabit Chief Predicts 'long Fight' with Feds

Ladar Levison can't talk for legal reasons about the specifics of why he shut down Lavabit, his encrypted Web e-mail company, but he is hardly tight-lipped about...

Meet the Man Who Would Make Blackberry Apps Cool
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Would Make Blackberry Apps Cool

Alec Saunders needed a little bait.
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