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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorLeah Hoffmann

Achievement in Microarchitecture
From Communications of the ACM

Achievement in Microarchitecture

David Papworth, a 30-year veteran of Intel, on what led to the P6 microprocessor and how that changed the microarchitectural paradigm.

Q&A: A Sure Thing
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: A Sure Thing

Artificial intelligence pioneer Judea Pearl discusses probability, causation, the calculus of intervention, and counterfactuals.

Q&A: Systematic Thinking
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: Systematic Thinking

Andrew S. Tanenbaum talks about MINIX, microkernels, and electronic voting systems.

Q&A: The Networker
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: The Networker

Jon Kleinberg talks about algorithms, information flow, and the connections between Web search and social networks.

Q&A: A Complex Thinker
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: A Complex Thinker

Daphne Koller discusses probabilistic relational modeling, artificial intelligence, and her new work with biologists.
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